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  • 16:18, ngày 6 tháng 5 năm 2024 thảo luận đã tạo trang Presbyterianism (Trang mới: “'''Presbyterianism''' is a kind of Protestant Christianity. It was started in Scotland by John Knox during the 16th century. It became powerful in England during the Civil War. Today there are Presbyterian churches across the world. Presbyterians (followers of Presbyterianism) are Calvinists and believe The five points of Calvinism, also known as the "Five Points of Calvinistic Doctrine" or simply "TULIP', a theological summary that represents the key point…”) Thẻ: Thêm nội dung không nguồn Soạn thảo trực quan Edit Check (references) activated Kiểm tra chỉnh sửa (tài liệu tham khảo) bị từ chối (không chắc chắn)