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Itolemma (thảo luận | đóng góp)
Itolemma (thảo luận | đóng góp)
Dòng 104:
<ref name="shy">{{cite web | url= | title=市级机关团工委2009年度工作总结 (2009 summary of works of the Municipal Authorities Youth League Working Committee) | date=20 January 2010 | publisher=Shanghai Communist Youth League official site | language=Simplified Chinese | accessdate=20 January 2010 | quote=2009年,市级机关网评员在市网宣办的业务指导下,先后参与了莲花河畔景苑倒楼事件、强制安装“绿坝”网络屏蔽软件、普陀区城管打人事件、甲型 H1N1 流感防控、“倒钩”执法事件、闵行区潘蓉自焚事件、地铁事故频发等以涉沪舆情为重点的网上舆论引导工作,在人民网、新华网、东方网及新浪、天涯社区等国内重点网站、主要商业网站、大型网络社区。发帖、跟帖、转帖200余篇,东方网评论频道录用各类网评文章20余篇,工作得到市网宣办的肯定。}}{{Dead link|date=March 2011}}</ref>
<ref name="sina">{{cite web|url=|title=甘肅將建650人網絡評論員隊伍引導輿論|publisher=Sina|date=20 January 2010|accessdate=4 March 2011}}</ref>
<ref name="sohu">{{cite web | language = Simplified Chinese | publisher = sohu | title = 宿迁26名网评员今上岗 | url = | accessdate =10 September 2010 }}</ref>
<ref name="su">{{cite web|url=|title=宿迁26名网评员今上岗|publisher=Sohu|date=29 April 2005|accessdate=4 March 2011}}</ref>
<ref name="t20090729_791744">{{cite web | language = Simplified Chinese | publisher = Sichuan Provincial People's Government | title = 巴中市人事局采取四大措施加强网络舆情监控 | url = | accessdate =10 September 2010 }}</ref>