Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Đầu phiếu đa số tương đối”

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Quan San (thảo luận | đóng góp)
Quan San (thảo luận | đóng góp)
Dòng 9:
==Đầu phiếu==
{{Đang dịch}}
Với đầu phiếu đa số tương đối đơn giản, mỗi cử tri chỉ được phép bầu cho một ứng viên, và ứng viên thắng cuộc là người giành được nhiều số phiếu bầu nhất. Đây là hình thức đơn giản nhất cho cả cử tri lẫn người đếm phiếu.
In single winner plurality voting, each voter is allowed to vote for only one candidate, and the winner of the election is whichever candidate represents a [[plurality]] of voters, that is, whoever received the largest number of votes. This makes the plurality voting system among the simplest of all voting systems for voters and vote counting officials (it is however very contentious to draw district boundary lines in this system). <!-- contrast with [[bloc voting]] and [[single non-transferable vote]] and [[cumulative voting]] here -->
In an election for a legislative body, each voter in a given geographically-defined [[Constituency|electoral district]] votes for one candidate from a list of candidates competing to represent that district. Under the plurality system, the winner of the election acts as representative of the entire electoral district, and serves with representatives of other electoral districts.
In an election for a single seat, such as [[president]] in a [[presidential system]], the same style of ballot is used and the candidate who receives the largest number of votes represents the entire population. (The [[President of the United States]] is indirectly elected by such a rule; but see [[Electoral College (United States)#Focus on large swing states|Electoral College]].)
===Các loại lá phiếu===
Nhìn chung, có hai loại lá nhiếu dùng trong hình thức bầu cử này. Một loại là liệt kê danh sách ứng viên để cử tri có thể đánh dấu chọn; loại kia là một lá phiếu trắng để cử tri điền ứng viên được chọn vào.
Generally plurality ballots can be categorised into two forms. The simplest form is a blank ballot where the name of a candidate is written in by hand. A more structured ballot will list all the candidates and allow a mark to be made by a single candidate, however a structured ballot can also include space for a [[write-in candidate]] as well.
===Các hệ thống đầu phiếu đa số tương đối điển hình ===
==== Hệ thống lưỡng đảng của Anh ====
Plurality voting is based on minimal information — a person's vote can be entirely represented by a binary choice, so anything can be used to signify a vote — the ancient [[Greeks]] would vote on [[Ostracism|ostracising]] someone by scratching the name of the person to be ostracised on a piece of pottery. Votes cast as physical objects can also create a realistic display of the election results, such as an array of candidates with jars filled with differently coloured beans, with the winner being the most-filled.
Anh thường được cho là nhà nước lưỡng đảng, nhưng cũng có một số đảng nhỏ quan trọng khác.
Hệ thống bầu cử của Anh dẫn đến hình thành hai đảng lớn và hạn chế các đảng nhỏ hơn. Giống như ở [[Mỹ]] và [[Canada]], Anh dùng nguyên tắc chỉ chọn một ứng viên trong một hạt bầu cử. Đây là hệ thống Anh cũ nhưng đơn giản: Mỗi hạt bầu cử chọn một ứng viên nhiều phiếu nhất, bất kể có ít hơn đa số tương đối (50%), được gọi là người về đích đầu tiên. Chính điều này có khuynh hướng dẫn đến việc hình thành hai đảng lớn, bởi vì chỉ có một người thắng các đảng nhỏ hơn thường liên kết với nhau để thắng cử. Điều này không xảy ra ở các quốc gia dùng hình thức [[đại diện tỉ lệ]], nơi có hình thức nhiều đảng chứ không chỉ lưỡng đảng.
===Examples of plurality voting===
==== Britain's Two-Party System ====
Britain is usually described as a two-party system, but some third parties are important. Britain, like many democracies, is more accurately a "two-plus" party system. In 1979, for example, the withdrawal of support by the eleven Scottish Nationalists in Commons brought down the Callaghan government in a rare vote of no confidence. The Liberal Democrats may get one vote in five, forcing the Labour and Conservative parties to change positions on some issues.
Britain's electoral system keeps two parties big and penalizes smaller parties. Britain, like the United States and Canada, uses single-member districts as the base for elections. This old English system is simple: Each electoral district or constituency sends one person to the legislature, the candidate that gets the most votes even if less than a majority, sometimes called "first past the post" (FPTP). In 1992, for example, a Lib Dem in Scotland won with just 26 percent of the vote. This system of single-member districts with plurality victors tends to produce two large political parties. The reason: there is a big premium to combine small parties into big ones in order to edge out competitors. If one of the two large parties splits, which sometimes happens, the election is thrown to the other party, the one that hangs together. In countries with proportional representation there is not such a great premium on forming two large parties, and that contributes to multi-party systems.
The countries that inherited the British majoritarain system tend toward two large parties, one left, the other right, such as the U.S. Democrats and Republicans. Canada is an exception to this pattern, because its third parties are territorially concentrated, especially the separatist [[Bloc Québécois]]. New Zealand used the Anglo-American system, and it too yielded two large parties. It also left many New Zealanders discontent, because other viewpoints got ignored, so its parliament in 1993 adopted a new electoral law, modeled on Germany's hybrid system of half single-member districts and half PR. New Zealand soon developed a more complex party system.<ref>Michael Roskins. Countries and Concepts 2007</ref>
====Simple example====
The election of a [[Member of Parliament]] in the UK is a well known example of the first-past-the-post electoral system. But the system is also used on a smaller scale.
===== The election for class president =====
For this example, consider the election for the president of a school class. Each class has a president, who sits on a school council. Further assume that, in this imaginary school, male and female students disagree with each other on most issues, and students prefer to vote for others of the same sex as themselves.
In our hypothetical election, there are three candidates: Amy, Brian and Cathy. Each class member gets a ballot, with these three names on it. Each voter must put an "X" by one of the names on their ballot.
After the election finishes, the papers are sorted into three piles--one for votes for Amy, one for votes for Brian, and one for votes for Cathy.
The largest pile decides the winner. If Amy's pile has 11 votes, Brian's has 16, and Cathy's has 13, Brian wins.
Notice that there were a total of 40 votes cast, and the winner had only 16 of them &mdash; only 40%.
Note that the class members (the "electors") only vote once, and their votes help to choose both a class president and a member of the school council (the same person).
===== The election for school council =====
Suppose that all the other classes hold similar elections. Across all the classes, 8 of the class presidents that were elected were girls, and 9 were boys. That makes the boys the overall winner. The only influence that the pupils in this particular class had was to vote for Amy, Brian or Cathy to represent themselves.
Some might argue that a boy won for this class because there were two girls, who "split the vote": some of the girls in the class voted for Amy and others for Cathy. Perhaps if Amy had not been a candidate, all the girls would have voted for Cathy and she would have won this class; this in turn would make the girls the winners of the whole council. This is known as the [[spoiler effect]].
====More complex example====
{{Tenn voting example}}
Các quốc gia theo hệ thống Anh quốc cũng thường có khuynh hướng có hai đảng lớn hơn hẳn, một đảng tả khuynh, và một đảng hữu khuynh hay còn có tên khác như đảng cấp tiến, và bảo thủ. Dễ thấy nhất là Mỹ có hai đảng Dân chủ và Cộng hòa; Anh có Công đảng và đảng Bảo thủ.
Voting is accomplished whereby each voter in each city selects one city on the ballot (Memphis voters select Memphis, Nashville voters select Nashville, etc.) Votes are tabulated; Memphis is selected with the most votes '''(42%)'''. Note that this system does not require that the winner have a [[Simple majority|majority]], but only a [[plurality]]. Memphis wins because it has the most votes, even though '''58%''' of the voters in this example preferred Memphis least. Notice that this problem does not hold anymore in the [[two-round system]].
====Các thí dụ đơn giản ====
Bầu cử các thành viên [[Nghị viện Anh]] là điển hình nhất của hình thức bầu cử này. Nhưng nó còn được dùng ở phạm vi nhỏ hơn như bầu lớp trưởng chẳng hạn.
{{Đang dịch}}
==Ưu điểm==