Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Thucydides”

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Dòng 9:
==Cuộc đời==
Mặc dù Thucydides là một nhà sử học vĩ đại, các nhà lịch sử hiện đại lại biết rất ít ỏi về cuộc đời ông. Những thông tin đáng tin cậy nhất được rút ra từ quyển ''[[Lịch sử chiến tranh Peloponnesia]]'' của ông trong đó có đề cập tới quốc tịch, cha mẹ và nơi ông sống. Thucydides kể lại rằng ông từng chiến đấu trong cuộc chiến đó, bị mắc một thứ bệnh dịch và bị thành bang [[Athens]] trục xuất.
===Cứ liệu từ tài liệu giai đoạn cổ đại===
Thucydises tự coi mình là một người [[Athens]]. Ông kể rằng cha ông tên là Olorus quê ở [[Alimos]], Athens.<ref>Thucydides, [ 4.104.4]; [ 1.1.1].</ref> Ông sống sót qua trận đại dịch ở Athens<ref>Thucydides, [ 2.48.1&ndash;3].</ref> đã giết chết nhà chính trị và triết học [[Perciles]] cùng nhiều người khác ở Athens. Ông cũng cho biết ông sở hữu những mỏ vàng tại [[Scapte Hyle]], một khu vực bờ biển tại [[Thrace]], đối diện với đảo [[Thasos]].<ref>Thucydides, [ 4.105.1].</ref>
[[Image:Amphipolis Cousinery.jpg|thumb|Những tàn tích ở Amphipolis trong bức vẽ của E. Cousinéry, 1831: cây cầu bắc qua Strymon, các pháo đài của thành phố và bức tường thành]]
Because of his influence in the Thracian region, Thucydides wrote, he was sent as a [[strategos]] (general) to [[Thasos]] in 424 B.C. During the winter of 424-423 B.C., the Spartan general [[Brasidas]] attacked [[Amphipolis]], a half-day's sail west from Thasos on the Thracian coast. Eucles, the Athenian commander at Amphipolis, sent to Thucydides for help.<ref>Thucydides, [ 4.104.1].</ref> Brasidas, aware of Thucydides's presence on Thasos and his influence with the people of Amphipolis, and afraid of help arriving by sea, acted quickly to offer moderate terms to the Amphipolitans for their surrender, which they accepted. Thus, when Thucydides arrived, Amphipolis was already under Spartan control.<ref>Thucydides, [ 4.105.1 &ndash; 106.3].</ref> (See [[Battle of Amphipolis]].)
Amphipolis was of considerable strategic importance, and news of its fall caused great consternation in Athens.<ref>Thucydides, [ 4.108.1 &ndash; 7].</ref> It was blamed on Thucydides, although he claimed that it was not his fault and that he had simply been unable to reach it in time. Because of his failure to save Amphipolis, he was sent into [[exile]]:<ref>Thucydides, [ 5.26.5].</ref>
{{cquote|It was also my fate to be an exile from my country for twenty years after my command at Amphipolis; and being present with both parties, and more especially with the Peloponnesians by reason of my exile, I had leisure to observe affairs somewhat particularly.}}
Using his status as an exile from Athens to travel freely among the Peloponnesian allies, he was able to view the war from the perspective of both sides. During this time, he conducted important research for his history, having claimed that he pursued the project as he thought it would be one of the greatest wars waged among the Greeks in terms of scale.[[Image:AGMA Hérodote.jpg|thumb|Bust of Herodotus]]
This is all that Thucydides wrote about his own life, but a few other facts are available from reliable contemporary sources. [[Herodotus]] wrote that Thucydides' father's name, [[Olorus|''Όloros'']], was connected with [[Thrace]] and Thracian royalty.<ref>Herodotus, [ 6.39.1].</ref> Thucydides was probably connected through family to the Athenian statesman and general [[Miltiades]], and his son [[Cimon]], leaders of the old [[aristocracy]] supplanted by the Radical [[democracy|Democrats]]. [[Cimon]]'s maternal grandfather's name was also [[Olorus]], making the connection exceedingly likely. Another [[Thucydides (politician)|Thucydides]] lived before the historian and was also linked with Thrace, making a family connection between them very likely as well. Finally, [[Herodotus]] confirms the connection of Thucydides' family with the mines at Scapté Hýlē.<ref>Herodotus, [ 6.46.1].</ref>
Combining all the fragmentary evidence available, it seems that his family had owned a large estate in [[Thrace]], one that even contained gold mines, and which allowed the family considerable and lasting affluence. The security and continued prosperity of the wealthy estate must have necessitated formal ties with local kings or chieftains, which explains the adoption of the distinctly Thracian royal name "''Όloros''" into the family. Once exiled, Thucydides took permanent residence in the estate and, given his ample income from the gold mines, he was able to dedicate himself to full-time history writing and research, including many fact-finding trips. In essence he was by then a retired, well-connected gentleman of considerable resources who, by then retired from the political and military spheres, decided to fund his own scientific project.
==Chú thích==