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Thay cả nội dung bằng “Thế giới không đầy đủ.”
Dòng 1:
Thế giới không đầy đủ.
Kẻ mạnh không phải lúc nào cũng là kẻ chiến thắng. Kẻ chiến thắng mới chính là kẻ mạnh
"Life is limited so people will appreciated it. Because there's limit; we would try our best to live"
After all, a simple and effective way to deal with such fraud and avoid it is to not make rash decision alone without consulting anyone. One can put the situation objectively in order by explaining it to a partner, and understand what's going on in a non-emotional manner. With that done, if you or your advisor thought something was even a little suspicious, then the fraud can be stopped. Well, just saying that you'll consult someone can make the swindler run away with his tail between his legs. (Mother talks to Janie)
The woman takes the leading role in the bridal. (Janie's wedding)
A weak voice that's about to be erased by the rain. (Janie and Tea in storm)
Not to become a human who hurts others. (Janie founded gun)
Our achievements should not see the light of day. But our failures will become widely known. (Mitch's graduated day)
Your emotion was running in circles and your mind just wasn't present here. (Mitch on phone sees Morrie on TV)
Even if we don't know each other this time, we're partner and enemy. We will meet somewhere when the stage filled with mystery coincided. (Mitch's wife meet Morrie)
To keep believing in life, until you're sure of death. (Morrie's death)
The strong one doesn't win, the one that wins is strong. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQTbg37Rqlo&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALUSl5Lr93o&amp;feature=related watch empty TV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syPZZxxFCe0&amp;feature=related)
When the devil sheds tears, he loses his evil power. (Billy confessed to Big Nurse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrU_oXnS03g&amp;feature=related)
Words are like knives. If you use it the wrong way it transforms into a bad weapon. You have to understand the person's heart and use it carefully. No matter who that person may be. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crqEl5C5qc4&amp;feature=related)
Avenge someone, and get covered with mud, becoming the bad guy. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALUSl5Lr93o&amp;feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3IYZu0pF64&amp;feature=related)
The diamond is a "solid object" which nothing should go near to, and it's also called "the object that can't be ruled over".
When two neighboring notes are played together at the same time, doesn't sound right, they produce a jarning sound,
I've been expecting you.
It doesn't make me or you feel any better. So keep those comments to yourself!
“Dear parent, from your beloved son who left this world at the tender age of :
Review, father! I go now to fulfill my mission and my destiny. I hope it is a destiny that will bring honor to our family. And if it requires to my life, I will sacrifice it gladly to be a good servant of our nation.
The body is nothing. The soul is everything.
The enemy’s too many. I with others are all gonna die. I know this is what they’re thinking. But I don’t afraid. If I stand together with others, nothing can stop me. And here I am together with them. For my country and the future of my descendents, let me die a meaningful death! Death comes only to those who fear it. Charge!
Forfeiting is not the answer. If I give up the fight, I’m giving up on myself and my friends. If I want to save those I love then keep fighting. I’ll show enemy that no one disrespect my family and get away with it.
Fear of death is worse than death itself. My achievements should not see the light of day. But my failures will become widely known.
I couldn’t defeat enemy on your own. I choose to seal myself with enemy. But when enemy is revived I choose to protect my friend and my supporting partners. That is the only power that can destroy enemy. A sole person’s power is not enough. If all the powers are united we can make the impossible possible.”
We have been educated here to forget all small things, and to think only of the one big thing…. When you hear that I have died after sinking an enemy ship, I hope you will have kind words to say about my gallant death.
The word “impossible” only exists in a fool’s dictionary.
That’s how girl sure. The image of blowing your nose is not too pleasant in front of the opposite gender. She wouldn’t want someone she likes to see it.