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Dòng 79:
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[[w:en:Eunuch#L.C3.AA_Dynasty|Eunuch#Lê Dynasty]] [[Ngô Thụy]] ([[w:en:Wu Rui|Wu Rui]]) là một hoạn quan [[người Hán]], người Trung Quốc, phục vụ trong [[nhà Lê sơ]].
In the [[Lê Dynasty]] the Vietnamese Emperor [[Lê Thánh Tông]] was aggressive in his relations with foreign countries including China. A large amount of trade between Guangdong and Vietnam happened during his reign. Early accounts recorded that the Vietnamese captured Chinese whose ships had blown off course and detained them. Young Chinese men were selected by the Vietnamese for castration to become eunuch slaves to the Vietnamese. It has been speculated by modern historians that the Chinese who were captured and castrated by the Vietnamese were involved in trade between China and Vietnam instead of actually being blown off course by the wind and they were punished as part of a crackdown on foreign trade by Vietnam.<ref>{{cite web|title=明代广东海上丝绸之路的高度发展|url=|publisher=國學網--中國經濟史論壇(China Economic History Forum)|date=2008-03-16|author=黄啟臣|accessdate=26 July 2013|}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=明代广东海上丝绸之路的高度发展|url=|publisher=中國評論學術出版社(China Review Academic Publishers Unlimited)|accessdate=26 July 2013|}}</ref><ref></ref><ref>{{cite web|title=鄭和下西洋與廣東商人的海外移民|url=|publisher=中國評論新聞網 (|accessdate=2013年7月26日 星期五 (26 July 2013)date=2006-03-08 22:00:49|page=1}}</ref><ref>coluid=6&kindid=30&docid=100107474)( (|)</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=郑和下西洋与广东商人的海外移民人文历史|url=|publisher=广州日报大洋网(|date=2009-10-20 15:28|accessdate=26 July 2013|}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=貿易、移殖與文化交流:15-17 世紀廣東人與越南|url=|publisher=廣東省社會科學院歷史研究所 南開大學中國社會歷史研究中心|accessdate=5 January 2013|author=李慶新|page=12|quote=此外,沿海平民在海上航行或捕撈漁獵,遇風漂流至越南者時有發生。如成化十三年, 廣東珠池奉御陳彜奏:南海縣民遭風飄至安南被編入軍隊及被閹禁者超過 100 人。5成化中, 海南文昌人吳瑞與同鄉劉求等 13 人到欽州做生意,遇風飄至安南,當局將他們"俱發屯田, 以瑞獨少,宮之"。6... 6《明孝宗實錄》卷一百五十三,弘治十二年八月辛卯。}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=貿易、移殖與文化交流:15-17 世紀廣東人與越南|url=|publisher=廣東省社會科學院歷史研究所 南開大學中國社會歷史研究中心|accessdate=5 January 2013|author=李慶新|page=12}}</ref>
Several Malay envoys from the [[Malacca sultanate]] were attacked and captured in 1469 by the [[Lê Dynasty]] of Annam (Vietnam) as they were returning to Malacca from China. The Vietnamese enslaved and castrated the young from among the captured.<ref name="Tsai 1996 p. 15"/><ref>Rost (1887), p. 252 {{Google books|TgkYAAAAYAAJ|Miscellaneous papers relating to Indo-China: reprinted for the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society from Dalrymple's "Oriental Repertory," and the "Asiatic Researches" and "Journal" of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Volume 1|page=252}}</ref><ref>Rost (1887), p. 252 {{Google books|utZMAAAAYAAJ|Miscellaneous papers relating to Indo-China and Indian archipelage: reprinted for the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Second Series, Volume 1|page=252}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Wade|2005|p=[ 3785/86]}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=明實錄 (Ming Shilu)|url=|accessdate=26 July 2013|language=Chinese|chapter=首页 > 06史藏-1725部 > 03别史-100部 > 49-明实录宪宗实录-- > 203-大明宪宗纯皇帝实录卷之二百十九|quote=Simplified Chinese:○满剌加国使臣端亚妈剌的那查等奏成化五年本国使臣微者然那入贡还至当洋被风漂至安南国微者然那与其傔从俱为其国所杀其余黥为官奴而幼者皆为所害又言安南据占城城池欲并吞满剌加之地本国以皆为王臣未敢兴兵与战适安南使臣亦来朝端亚妈剌的那查乞与廷辨兵部尚书陈钺以为此已往事不必深校宜戒其将来 上乃因安南使臣还谕其王黎灏曰尔国与满剌加俱奉正朔宜修睦结好藩屏王室岂可自恃富强以干国典以贪天祸满剌加使臣所奏朝廷虽未轻信尔亦宜省躬思咎畏天守法自保其国复谕满剌加使臣曰自古圣王之驭四夷不追咎于既往安南果复侵陵尔国宜训练士马以御之 Traditional Chinese:○滿剌加國使臣端亞媽剌的那查等奏成化五年本國使臣微者然那入貢還至當洋被風漂至安南國微者然那與其傔從俱為其國所殺其餘黥為官奴而幼者皆為所害又言安南據占城城池欲併吞滿剌加之地本國以皆為王臣未敢興兵與戰適安南使臣亦來朝端亞媽剌的那查乞與廷辨兵部尚書陳鉞以為此已往事不必深校宜戒其將來 上乃因安南使臣還諭其王黎灝曰爾國與滿剌加俱奉正朔宜修睦結好藩屏王室豈可自恃富強以幹國典以貪天禍滿剌加使臣所奏朝廷雖未輕信爾亦宜省躬思咎畏天守法自保其國複諭滿剌加使臣曰自古聖王之馭四夷不追咎于既往安南果複侵陵爾國宜訓練士馬以禦之}}</ref>
A 1472 entry in the [[Ming Shilu]] reported that when some Chinese from [[Nanhai District|Nanhai county]] escaped back to China after their ship had been blown off course into Vietnam, where they had been forced to serve as soldiers in Vietnam's military. The escapees also reported that they found out up to 100 Chinese men remained captive in Vietnam after they were caught and castrated by the Vietnamese after their ships were blown off course into Vietnam. The Chinese Ministry of Revenue responded by ordering Chinese civilians and soldiers to stop going abroad to foreign countries.<ref>{{harvnb|Wade|2005|p=[ 2078/79]}}</ref><ref>Lary (2007), p. 92 {{Google books|pFzhWyoYG_wC|The Chinese State at the Borders|page=92}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Lary|first=Diana|title=The Chinese State at the Borders|year=2007|publisher=UBC Press|isbn=0774813334|url=|author=Leo K. Shin|edition=illustrated|authorlink=Ming China and Its Border with Annam|editor=Diana Lary|accessdate=5 January 2013|page=92}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=明實錄 (Ming Shilu)|url=|accessdate=5 January 2013|language=Chinese|chapter=首页 > 06史藏-1725部 > 03别史-100部 > 49-明实录宪宗实录-- > 106-明宪宗纯皇帝实录卷之一百六|quote=Simplified Chinese:○癸亥广东守珠池奉御陈彝奏南海县民为风飘至安南国被其国王编以为军其后逸归言中国人飘泊被留及所为阉禁者百余人奏下户部请移文巡抚镇守等官禁约军民人等毋得指以□贩私通番国且令守珠军人设法堤备从之 Traditional Chinese:○癸亥廣東守珠池奉禦陳彝奏南海縣民為風飄至安南國被其國王編以為軍其後逸歸言中國人飄泊被留及所為閹禁者百余人奏下戶部請移文巡撫鎮守等官禁約軍民人等毋得指以□販私通番國且令守珠軍人設法堤備從之}}</ref><ref> 《明宪宗实录》卷一百六,成化八年七月癸亥 </ref>China's relations with Vietnam during this period were marked by the punishment of prisoners by castration.<ref>Tsai (1996), p. 16 {{Google books|Ka6jNJcX_ygC|The Eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty (Ming Tai Huan Kuan)|page=16}}</ref><ref>Tsai (1996), p. 245 {{Google books|Ka6jNJcX_ygC|The Eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty (Ming Tai Huan Kuan)|page=245}}</ref>
A 1499 entry in the Ming Shilu recorded that thirteen Chinese men from [[Wenchang]] including a young man named Wu Rui were captured by the Vietnamese after their ship was blown off course while traveling from [[Hainan]] to [[Guangdong]]'s Qin subprefecture ([[Qinzhou]]), after which they ended up near the coast of Vietnam, during the [[Chenghua Emperor]]'s rule (1447 - 1487) . Twelve of them were enslaved to work as agricultural laborers, while the youngest, [[Wu Rui]] (吳瑞) was selected for castration since he was the only young man and he became a eunuch attendant at the [[Imperial Citadel of Thang Long|Vietnamese imperial palace in Thang Long]]. After years of service, he was promoted at the death of the Vietnamese ruler in 1497 to a military position in northern Vietnam. A soldier told him of an escape route back to China and Wu Rui escaped to [[Longzhou County|Longzhou]]. The local chief planned to sell him back to the Vietnamese, but Wu was rescued by the [[Pingxiang, Guangxi|Pingxiang]] magistrate and then was sent to [[Beijing]] to work as a eunuch in the palace.<ref>Lary (2007), p. 91 {{Google books|pFzhWyoYG_wC|The Chinese State at the Borders|page=91}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Lary|first=Diana|title=The Chinese State at the Borders|year=2007|publisher=UBC Press|isbn=0774813334|url=|author=Leo K. Shin|edition=illustrated|authorlink=Ming China and Its Border with Annam|editor=Diana Lary|accessdate=5 January 2013|page=91}}</ref><ref>Cooke (2011), p. 109 {{Google books|7mlKjn3FfoMC|The Tongking Gulf Through History|page=109}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Wade|2005|p=[ 2704/05]}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=明實錄 (Ming Shilu)|url=|accessdate=5 January 2013|language=Chinese|chapter=首页 > 06史藏-1725部 > 03别史-100部 > 47-明实录孝宗实录-- > 146-明孝宗敬皇帝实录卷之一百五十三|quote=Simplified Chinese:○金星昼见于辰位○辛卯吴瑞者广东文昌县人成化中与同乡刘求等十三人于钦州贸易遭风飘至安南海边罗者得之送本国求等俱发屯田以瑞独少宫之弘治十年国王黎灏卒瑞往东津点军得谅山卫军杨三知归路缘山行九日达龙州主头目韦琛家谋告守备官送还琛不欲久之安南国知之恐泄其国事遣探儿持百金为赎琛少之议未决而凭祥州知州李广宁闻之卒兵夺送于分守官都御史邓廷瓒遣送至京礼部请罪琛为边人之戒奖广宁为土官之劝从之瑞送司礼监给役 Traditional Chinese:○金星晝見於辰位○辛卯吳瑞者廣東文昌縣人成化中與同鄉劉求等十三人於欽州貿易遭風飄至安南海邊羅者得之送本國求等俱發屯田以瑞獨少宮之弘治十年國王黎灝卒瑞往東津點軍得諒山衛軍楊三知歸路緣山行九日達龍州主頭目韋琛家謀告守備官送還琛不欲久之安南國知之恐洩其國事遣探兒持百金為贖琛少之議未決而憑祥州知州李廣寧聞之卒兵奪送於分守官都御史鄧廷瓚遣送至京禮部請罪琛為邊人之戒獎廣寧為土官之勸從之瑞送司禮監給役}}</ref><ref>《明孝宗实录》卷一五三,弘治十二年八月辛卯</ref>
The [[Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư]] records that in 1467 in An Bang province of Dai Viet (now [[Quảng Ninh Province]]) a Chinese ship blew off course onto the shore. The Chinese were detained and not allowed to return to China as ordered by Le Thanh Tong.<ref>Cooke (2011), p. 108 {{Google books|7mlKjn3FfoMC|The Tongking Gulf Through History|page=108}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=CÓ MỘT VÂN ĐỒN Ở GIỮA YÊN BANG, YÊN QUẢNG KHÔNG TĨNH LẶNG|author=PGS.TSKH Nguyễn Hải Kế(Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Hai Ke)|url=|publisher=广州日报大洋网(|date=THỨ NĂM, 28 THÁNG 3 2013 17:36(THURSDAY, MARCH 28TH, 2013 17:36)|accessdate=26 July 2013|}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=CÓ MỘT VÂN ĐỒN Ở GIỮA YÊN BANG, YÊN QUẢNG KHÔNG TĨNH LẶNG|author=PGS.TSKH Nguyễn Hải Kế(Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Hai Ke)|url=|publisher=广州日报大洋网(|date=22.04.2013 18:56|accessdate=26 July 2013|}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Đại Việt Sử Ký Toàn Thư|editors=Lê Văn Hưu, Phan Phu Tiên, Ngô Sĩ Liên... soạn thảo (1272 - 1697).|others=Viện Khoa Học Xã Hội Việt Nam dịch (1985 - 1992).|chapter=Phần 26 (Bản kỷ thực lục Q2(a)
Nhà Hậu Lê (1460 - 1472).)||url=|publisher=Nhà xuất bản Khoa Học Xã Hội (Hà Nội) ấn hành (1993).|year=1993|accessdate=26 July 2013|}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Đại Việt Sử Ký Toàn Thư|editors=Lê Văn Hưu, Phan Phu Tiên, Ngô Sĩ Liên... soạn thảo (1272 - 1697).|others=Viện Khoa Học Xã Hội Việt Nam dịch (1985 - 1992).|chapter=DVSK Bản Kỷ Thực Lục 12: Nhà Hậu Lê (1460 - 1472) ... Phần 1(Đại Việt Sử Ký Bản Kỷ Thực Lục
Quyển XII
Kỷ Nhà Lê
Thánh Tông Thuần Hoàng Đế)|url=|publisher=Nhà xuất bản Khoa Học Xã Hội (Hà Nội) ấn hành (1993).|year=1993|accessdate=26 July 2013|}}</ref> This incident may be the same one where Wu Rui was captured.<ref>Cooke (2011), p. 109 {{Google books|7mlKjn3FfoMC|The Tongking Gulf Through History|page=109}}</ref>
Thời [[Lê Dụ Tông]], niên hiệu [[Lê Dụ Tông|Bảo Thái]] (1720 - 1729), trong hàng quan lại, ngoài Văn ban và Võ ban, [[chúa Trịnh]] còn đặt ra một ban thứ ba là Giám ban với các chức:<ref>Lịch triều hiến chương loại chí - Nhà xuất bản Khoa học Xã hội - 1992</ref>
Hàng 176 ⟶ 199:
==Tham khảo==
{{Tham khảo}}
* {{cite book|title=The Tongking Gulf Through History|year=2011|publisher=University of Pennsylvania Press|isbn=0812243366|url=|edition=illustrated|accessdate=4 January 2013|editor1-first=Nola|editor1-last=Cooke|editor2-first=Tana|editor2-last=Li|editor3-first=James|editor3-last=Anderson}}
* {{cite book|last=Lary|first=Diana|title=The Chinese State at the Borders|year=2007|publisher=UBC Press|isbn=0774813334|url=|edition=illustrated|editor=Diana Lary|accessdate=4 January 2013|page=}}
* {{cite book|last=Tsai|first=Shih-Shan Henry|title=The Eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty (Ming Tai Huan Kuan)|year=1996|publisher=SUNY Press|isbn=0791426874|url=|edition=illustrated|accessdate=5 January 2013}}
* {{citation | last = Wade | first = Geoff | title = Southeast Asia in the Ming Shi-lu: an open access resource | url = | publisher = Asia Research Institute and the Singapore E-Press, National University of Singapore | year = 2005 | accessdate = 2012-11-06}}
[[Thể loại:Hoạn quan|*]]