Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Protein”

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Thông qua các ứng dụng kỹ thuật di truyền khác được biết đến như gây đột biến định hướng điểm (site-directed mutagenesis), các nhà nghiên cứu có thể thay đổi được trình tự của protein và do đó đến cấu trúc của nó, sự khu trú tế bào, và tính nhạy cảm đối với sự điều hòa biểu hiện. Kỹ thuật này thậm chí cho phép đính những phân tử axit amino không có trong tự nhiên vào protein, bằng sử dụng các tRNA được sửa đổi,<ref name=Hohsaka2002/> và có thể cho phép đánh giá sự hợp lý trong [[thiết kế protein|thiết kế]] protein mới với những tính chất nổi bật.<ref name=Cedrone2000/>
The total complement of proteins present at a time in a cell or cell type is known as its [[proteome]], and the study of such large-scale data sets defines the field of [[proteomics]], named by analogy to the related field of [[genomics]]. Key experimental techniques in proteomics include [[Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis|2D electrophoresis]],<ref name=Gorg2008/> which allows the separation of a large number of proteins, [[mass spectrometry]],<ref name=Conrotto2008/> which allows rapid high-throughput identification of proteins and sequencing of peptides (most often after [[in-gel digestion]]), [[protein microarray]]s,<ref name=Joos2009/> which allow the detection of the relative levels of a large number of proteins present in a cell, and [[two-hybrid screening]], which allows the systematic exploration of [[protein–protein interaction]]s.<ref name=Koegl2007/> The total complement of biologically possible such interactions is known as the [[interactome]].<ref name=Plewczynski2009/> A systematic attempt to determine the structures of proteins representing every possible fold is known as [[structural genomics]].<ref name=Zhang2003/>
===Tin sinh học===
{{Main article|Tin sinh học}}
A vast array of computational methods have been developed to analyze the structure, function, and evolution of proteins.
The development of such tools has been driven by the large amount of genomic and proteomic data available for a variety of organisms, including the [[human genome]]. It is simply impossible to study all proteins experimentally, hence only a few are subjected to laboratory experiments while computational tools are used to extrapolate to similar proteins. Such [[homology (biology)|homologous]] proteins can be efficiently identified in distantly related organisms by [[sequence alignment]]. Genome and gene sequences can be searched by a variety of tools for certain properties. [[Sequence profiling tool]]s can find [[restriction enzyme]] sites, [[open reading frame]]s in [[nucleotide]] sequences, and predict [[secondary structure]]s. [[Phylogenetic tree]]s can be constructed and [[evolution]]ary hypotheses developed using special software like [[ClustalW]] regarding the ancestry of modern organisms and the genes they express. The field of [[bioinformatics]] is now indispensable for the analysis of genes and proteins.
==Tham khảo==