Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Katsudō Shashin”

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Dòng 42:
== Tài liệu tham khảo ==
=== Trích dẫn ===
* {{cite web
|title = Oldest Anime Found
|work = [[Anime News Network]]
|author = Anime News Network staff
|date = 2005-08-07
|url =
|accessdate = 2014-02-12
|archiveurl =
|archivedate = 2007-02-02
|ref = harv}}
* {{cite web
|author = Asahi Shimbun staff
|script-title = ja:日本最古?明治時代のアニメフィルム、京都で発見
|title = Nihon saiko? Meiji jidai no anime firumu, Kyōto de hakken
|trans-title = Oldest in Japan? Meiji-period animated film discovered in Kyoto
|language = ja
|url =
|work = [[People's Daily|China People's Daily Online]] (Japanese Edition)
|date = 2005-08-01
|accessdate = 2014-06-11
|archiveurl =
|archivedate = 2007-10-11
|ref = harv}}
* {{cite book
|last1 = Clements
|first1 = Jonathan
|authorlink1 = Jonathan Clements
|last2 = McCarthy
|first2 = Helen
|authorlink2 = Helen McCarthy
|title = The Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese Animation Since 1917
|year = 2006
|publisher = [[Stone Bridge Press]]
|isbn = 978-1-84576-500-2
|ref = harv}}
* {{cite journal
|last = Litten
|first = Frederick S.
|script-title = ja:招待研究ノート:日本の映画館で上映された最初の(海外)アニメーション映画について
|title = Shōtai kenkyū nōto: Nihon no eigakan de jōei sareta saisho no (kaigai) animēshon eiga ni tsuite
|language = ja
|trans_title = On the Earliest (Foreign) Animation Shown in Japanese Cinemas
|journal = The Japanese Journal of Animation Studies
|volume = 15
|issue = 1A
|date = 2013
|pages = 27–32
|ref = harv}}
* {{cite journal
|last = Litten
|first = Frederick S.
|title = Japanese color animation from ca. 1907 to 1945
|url =
|date = 2014-06-17
|accessdate = 2014-06-18
|format = PDF
|archiveurl =
|archivedate = 2014-07-14
|ref = harv}}
* {{cite conference
|last1 = López
|first1 = Antonio
|title = A New Perspective on the First Japanese Animation
|year = 2012
|publisher = IPCA
|book-title = Published proceedings‚ Confia‚ (International Conference on Illustration and Animation)‚ 29–30th Nov 2012
|pages = 579–586
|isbn = 978-989-97567-6-2
|ref = harv}}
* {{cite journal
|last1 = Matsumoto
|first1 = Natsuki
|last2 = Tsugata
|first2 = Nobuyuki
|title = Kokusan saikō to kangaerareru animēshon firumu no hakken ni tsuite
|trans-title = The discovery of supposedly oldest Japanese animation films|<!-- official translation of title at Matsumoto's website -->
|script-title = ja:国産最古と考えられるアニメーションフィルムの発見について
|language = ja
|journal = Eizōgaku
|issue = 76
|pages = 86–105
|year = 2006
|issn = 0286-0279
|ref = harv}}
* {{cite book
|last = Matsumoto
|first = Natsuki
|chapter = 映画渡来前後の家庭用映像機器
|trans_chapter = Home movie equipment from the earliest days of film in Japan|<!-- not literal, I know -->
|language = ja
|pages = 95–128
|editor-first = Kenji
|editor-last = Iwamoto
|script-title = 日本映画の誕生
|title = Nihon eiga no tanjō
|trans_title = Birth of Japanese film
|year = 2011
|publisher = Shinwa-sha
|isbn = 978-4-86405-029-6
|ref = harv}}
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