Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Thời kỳ Lệnh Hòa”

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Dòng 33:
[[File:Minabe-Bairin_Minabe_Wakayama16bs2400.jpg|thumb|right|Plum blossoms in [[Minabe]], [[Wakayama Prefecture|Wakayama]].]]<!-- CAN WE GET A BETTER PICTURE!? The poems were apparently written at or near the Dazaifu, which later became the exile destination of Michizane and the site of one of the largest Tenjin shrines, so presumably the place is still famous for its plum blossoms. -->
The [[kanji|Chữ Hán]] characters"Lệnh forHòa" ''Reiwa''được arelấy derived from thetừ ''[[Man'yōshū|Vạn diệp tập]]'', anhợp eighth-centurytuyển hòa ca ([[Nara和歌, period]]''waka'') anthologyra ofđời hồi thế kỷ VIII dưới ''[[wakaThời (poetry)kỳ Nara|wakathời Nara]]'' poetry. The [[kotobagaki|headnote]] attached to a group of 32 poems (815–846) in Volume 5 of the collection, composed on the occasion of a poetic gathering to view the [[plum blossoms]], reads as follows:{{citation needed|reason=This is "true", and is therefore vastly superior to the popular mass media interpretations that have emerged in the day or so since the announcement was made and REPEATEDLY inserted here, but it needs a citation. Several Japanese-language RSes have included this information in part or in full, so a citation should be forthcoming. DO NOT rewrite this based on some bogus interpretation of an English or Spanish popular media source; pedantic self-tagging is not an excuse to reinsert inaccurate information gleaned from unreliable sources (and yes, the BBC and other western popular media are unreliable when it comes to Japanese classical literature; Japanese popular media are mildly preferable since their target audience generally at least has heard of the Man'yōshū).|date=April 2019}}
{{Quote|OriginalHán [[Kanbun]] textvăn:
{{lang|ja|于時、初春'''令'''月、氣淑風'''和'''、梅披鏡前之粉、蘭薫珮後之香。}}<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=<span lang="ja">真字萬葉集卷第五雜歌0815</span>|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=|quote=<span lang="ja">天平二年正月十三日,萃于帥老大伴旅人之宅,申宴會也。于時,初春令月,氣淑風和。梅披鏡前之粉,蘭薰珮後之香。加以,曙嶺移雲,松掛羅而傾蓋,夕岫結霧,鳥封穀而迷林。庭舞新蝶,空歸故鴈。於是,蓋天坐地,促膝飛觴。忘言一室之裏,開衿煙霞之外。淡然自放,快然自足。若非翰苑,何以攄情。請紀落梅之篇,古今夫何異矣。宜賦園梅,聊成短詠。</span>}}</ref>|sign=|source=}}
{{Quote|Diễn giải Hán văn bằng tiếng Nhật:
{{Quote|Classical Japanese translation (''[[kanbun|kanbun kundoku]]''):
{{lang|ja|{{Ruby|時|toki}}{{Ruby|に|ni}}、{{Ruby|初|sho}}{{Ruby|春|shun}}{{Ruby|の|no}}{{Ruby|'''令'''|rei}}{{Ruby|月|getsu}}{{Ruby|に|ni}}{{Ruby|し|shi}}{{Ruby|て|te}}、{{Ruby|気|ki}}{{Ruby|淑|yo}}{{Ruby|く|ku}}{{Ruby|風|kaze}}{{Ruby|'''和'''|yawara}}{{Ruby|ぎ|gi}}、{{Ruby|梅|ume}}{{Ruby|は|wa}}{{Ruby|鏡|kyō}}{{Ruby|前|zen}}{{Ruby|の|no}}{{Ruby|粉|ko}}{{Ruby|を|o}}{{Ruby|披|hira}}{{Ruby|き|ki}}、{{Ruby|蘭|ran}}{{Ruby|は|wa}}{{Ruby|珮|hai}}{{Ruby|後|go}}{{Ruby|の|no}}{{Ruby|香|kō}}{{Ruby|を|o}}{{Ruby|薫|kaora}}{{Ruby|す|su}}。}}<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=<span lang="ja">新元号「令和」 首相談話「花を大きく咲かせたい」</span>|last=|first=|date=2019-04-01|work=Nikkei|language=ja|access-date=2019-04-01}}</ref>|sign=|source=}}
{{Quote|Approximate English translation: