Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Trường Đại học Đà Lạt”

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Đã lùi lại sửa đổi 5204070 của Haokukumalu (Thảo luận)
Dòng 1:
{{otheruses|Đại học Đà Lạt}}
{{Trường học
| Tên= [[Trường UNIVERSITYĐại OFhọc DALAT]]Đà Lạt
| Phù hiệu= [[Tập tin:Logo Đại học Đà Lạt.jpg|100px|Phù hiệu trường]]
| Năm thành lập= [[1958]]
| Loại hình= Đại học [[Công Lập]], đa ngành, đa lĩnh vực.
| Trụ sở trường= 01, Phù Đổng Thiên Vương, [[Thành phố Đà Lạt]],<br> [[Lâm Đồng]]
| Hiệu trưởng trường= '''PGS.TS.'''Lê Bá Dũng.
| Hiệu phó trường= '''TS.'''Nguyễn Đức Hòa. '''TS.'''Nguyễn Đình Hảo. '''TS.'''Mai Xuân Trung. '''NCS.'''Nguyễn Duy Mậu.
| Website= []
[['''Trường Đại học Đà Lạt]]''' là một trường đại học công lập đào tạo đa ngành nghề, đa lĩnh vực tại thành phố Đà Lạt, tỉnh Lâm Đồng. Nằm trên một đồi thông, phong cảnh được xếp vào loại đẹp nhất Đông Nam Á. Tiền thân của Trường Đại học Đà Lạt là Viện Đại học Đà Lạt.
'''Trường Đại học Đà Lạt''' với bề dày hơn 50 đào tạo đã khẳng định được vị thế nhất định của mình trong hệ thống giáo dục tại Việt nam và trên trường quốc tế.
'''Các cấp bậc đào tạo đa dạng:'''
:* Tiến sỹ.
Dòng 23:
:* Trung cấp chuyên nghiệp.
Đặc biệt kể từ mùa tuyển sinh 2012 trường Đại Học Đà Lạt sẽ chính thức tuyển sinh ngành '''Kỹ Thuật Hạt Nhân'''. Trường đã được nhà nước, bộ giáo dục và đào tạo giao nhiệm vụ trở thành 1 trong 5 trường đại học tại Việt Nam giữ trách nhiệm đào tạo nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao trong lĩnh vực phóng xạ, hạt nhân cho đất nước. Đội ngũ giảng viên giảng dạy gồm các Giáo Sư, Phó Giáo Sư, Tiến Sỹ, Thạc Sỹ của trường ''Đại Học Đà Lạt'', và ''viện nghiên cứu hạt nhân Việt Nam''.
'''Trường Đại học Đà Lạt''' là một trong 20 trường đại học đầu tiên tại Việt Nam được kiểm định và đạt chất lượng giáo dục đại học.
'''Được tổ chức quốc tế BVQI''' trực thuộc Vương quốc Anh, chuyên cấp chứng nhận về quản lý ISO quốc tế đã trao bằng chứng nhận công nhận Trường Đại Học Đà Lạt đạt tiêu chuẩn ISO 9001 - 2000 (27/10/2005).
==Lịch sử==
'''SỨ MẠNG'''
* Trường Đại học Đà Lạt là một trường công lập đào tạo nguồn nhân lực có trình độ đại học và sau đại học về khoa học, công nghệ, kinh tế; là trung tâm nghiên cứu khoa học, chuyển giao công nghệ phục vụ phát triển kinh tế xã hội và hội nhập quốc tế của đất nước.
'''TẦM NHÌN ĐẾN NĂM 2020'''
* Ổn định mô hình đào tạo đại học đa ngành, đa lĩnh vực, đào tạo theo tín chỉ; là trung tâm nghiên cứu khoa học, chuyển giao công nghệ năng động của khu vực Tây Nguyên, duyên hải Nam Trung Bộ và Đông Nam Bộ.
'''MỤC TIÊU'''
* Đào tạo đa ngành, đa cấp trong đó có kỹ thuật hạt nhân phục vụ phát triển kinh tế, văn hóa xã hội của đất nước.
* Nghiên cứu khoa học cơ bản và ứng dụng, là cầu nối chuyển giao công nghệ mới phục vụ phát triển kinh tế, xã hội của khu vực Tây Nguyên, duyên hải Nam Trung Bộ và Đông Nam Bộ.
* Sinh viên được đào tạo, rèn luyện trong môi trường giáo dục tiên tiến, được chuẩn bị kỹ năng nghề nghiệp để thích ứng với sự phát triển kinh tế, xã hội trong thời kỳ hội nhập quốc tế.
Đà Lạt, ngày 22 tháng 11 năm 2010
(Đã ký)
'''PGS.TS.'''Lê Bá Dũng
==[[LỊCH SỬ]]==
===Viện Đại học Đà Lạt===
Hàng 54 ⟶ 36:
Về học thuật, Viện Đại học Đà Lạt được biết đến với các chuyên ngành [[khoa học xã hội]] và [[nhân văn]] như [[Ngữ văn]], [[Lịch sử]], [[Triết học]], [[Ngoại ngữ]], nổi tiếng nhất là Trường Chính trị Kinh doanh (với hai phân khoa: [[Khoa học chính trị|Chính trị]] [[Xã hội học|Xã hội]] và [[Quản trị Kinh doanh]]).
[[Tập tin:Cotcodaihocdalat.jpg|200px|nhỏ|phải|Cột sao của trường trong sương mờ]]
Về cảnh quan, khuôn viên Viện Đại học Đà Lạt tọa lạc trên một ngọn đồi rộng khoảng 38 [[ha]] với 40 tòa nhà nằm rải rác dọc theo những con đường nhỏ quanh co uốn khúc trong rừng [[thông]]. Các tòa nhà được dùng làm giảng đường và cơ sở hành chính mang tên Minh Thành, Tri Nhất, Thụ Nhân, Thượng Chí, Đôn Hóa... với hàm ý giáo dục dẫn ý từ [[Tứ Thư|Tứ thư Ngũ kinh]]<ref name=VDHDL/>. Lúc ấy nhiều người xem Viện Đại học Đà Lạt là một trong những trường đại học đẹp nhất [[Đông Nam Á]].
===Trường Đại học Đà Lạt===
Thành lập vào tháng 10 năm [[1976]], và tuyển sinh từ năm học [[1977]]-[[1978]], Trường Đại học Đà Lạt là một '''trường đại học tổng hợp''' với mục tiêu đáp ứng nhu cầu giáo dục và phát triển kinh tế xã hội cho các tỉnh miền Trung và Nam Tây Nguyên và cho cả nước.
Kế thừa cơ sở vật chất, truyền thống và uy tín giáo dục từ Viện Đại học Đà Lạt, Trường Đại học Đà Lạt đầu tư cho mục tiêu phát triển, mở rộng và đa dạng hóa các chuyên ngành, cũng như thiết lập quan hệ với các đơn vị giáo dục đào tạo tại các nước [[Thái Lan]], [[Nhật Bản]], [[Hàn Quốc]], [[Pháp]], [[Đức]], [[Úc]], [[Mỹ]].
Hiện nay, Trường Đại học Đà Lạt là "một trường đại học đa ngành, đa lĩnh vực, có '''quy mô đại học vùng''' với chỉ tiêu tuyển sinh hệ chính quy hàng năm khoảng hơn [[3000]] (Năm 2008, 2009) sinh viên, tổ chức đào tạo 32 ngành học ở nhiều bậc học ('''Tiến Sĩ''', '''Thạc Sĩ'''; '''đại học'''; '''cao đẳng'''; '''trung học chuyên nghiệp''')".<ref>[ Website Trường Đại học Đà Lạt]</ref>
==[[TỔ CHỨC]]==
==Tổ chức==
[[Tập tin:Cong dai hoc Da Lat.jpg|nhỏ|phải|Cổng trường Đại học Đà Lạt]]
Trường hiện có 500 CBVC, trong đó 317 là cán bộ giảng dạy, trình độ giảng viên đạt trình độ PGS, TS, ThS chiếm trên 64%. Đội ngũ cán bộ trường đã có nhiều năm kinh nghiệm trong giảng dạy và nghiên cứu khoa học, là hậu thuẫn vững chắc cho nhiều hoạt động chuyên môn của nhà trường.
Hàng 117 ⟶ 97:
*Trung tâm đào tạo ngắn hạn và luyện thi
==[[ĐÀO TẠO]]==
===Sau đại học===
===TIẾN SỸ===
Thời gian đào tạo: 3 năm.
==Đào tạo==
Chuyên ngành:
* Toán giải tích.
===THẠC SỸ===
Thời gian đào tạo: 2,5 năm.
Gồm các ngành:
|- valign="top"
*Quản trị kinh doanh.
( Liên kết đại học luật Hà Nội)
*Toán giải tích.
*Tài chính ngân hàng
(Liên kết đại học kinh tế-ĐHQGHN)
*Tài nguyên môi trường.
*Vật lý kỹ thuật.
*Hóa phân tích.
*Sinh thái học.
*Văn học Việt Nam.
*Lịch sử Việt Nam.
*Sinh học thực nghiệm.
===Đại học===
Thời gian đào tạo: 4 năm. (riêng kỹ sư trình độ đại là 4,5 năm)
Ngành, chuyên ngành đào tạo:
|- valign="top"
*Toán học
*Sư phạm Toán học
Hàng 168 ⟶ 114:
*Sư phạm Hóa học
*Môi trường
*Quản trị kinh doanh
*Quản trị dịch vụ du lịch và lữ hành
Hàng 180 ⟶ 125:
*Xã hội học
*Văn hóa học
* Kỹ thuật Hạt Nhân
*Ngữ văn
Hàng 192 ⟶ 136:
*Tiếng Anh
*Sư phạm Tiếng Anh
===Sau đại học===
====Tiến sĩ====
Thời gian đào tạo: 3 năm.
Chuyên ngành: Toán giải tích.
====Thạc sĩ====
Thời gian đào tạo: 2,5 năm.
Gồm các ngành:
*Quản trị kinh doanh.
*Luật. (Liên kết đại học luật Hà Nội)
*Toán giải tích.
*Tài chính ngân hàng (Liên kết đại học kinh tế-ĐHQGHN)
*Tài nguyên môi trường.
*Vật lý kỹ thuật.
*Hóa phân tích.
*Sinh thái học.
*Văn học Việt Nam.
*Lịch sử Việt Nam.
*Sinh học thực nghiệm.
===Cao đẳng chuyên nghiệp===
Hàng 214 ⟶ 179:
*Kế toán.
* Quản trị dịch vụ du lịch và lữ hành
*'''Huân chương lao động hạng nhất.'''
==Thành tích==
*'''Huân chương lao động hạng hai.'''
*Huân chương lao động hạng nhất.
*'''Huân chương lao động hạng bahai.'''
*Huân chương lao động hạng ba.
*Được tổ chức quốc tế '''BVQI''' trực thuộc Vương quốc Anh, chuyên cấp chứng nhận về quản lý ISO quốc tế đã trao bằng chứng nhận công nhận Trường Đại Học Đà Lạt đạt tiêu chuẩn [[ISO 9001]] - 2000 (27/10/2005).
*Năm 2006: Đại Học Đà Lạt là một trong nhưng trường đại học đầu tiên ở Việt Nam được kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục đại học.
*Từ năm 2002 đến năm 2006: Nhận được bằng khen về công tác tuyển sinh.
*Năm 2009: Là một trong''' 20 trường đại học đầu tiên tại Việt Nam được kiểm định và đạt chất lượng giáo dục đại học.'''.v.v.
==[[BẢN ĐỒ ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ LẠT]]==,%C4%90%C3%A0+L%E1%BA%A1t,+L%C3%A2m+%C4%90%E1%BB%93ng&ei=vr0zTt31K6PSmAX7qbTwCg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&ved=0CAQQtgM&cid=0,0,8604083776620532171
===The University of Dalat (UDL)===
* The University of Dalat (UDL) is located in the center of the city of Dalat - a popular tourist city on Lam Vien Plateau with a year-round cool climate, endless pine forests, flowers, fog, and waterfalls
* The University Institute of Dalat was founded in 1958. In 1975, it was reorganized after the unification of the country and has become a multi-field public university with more than 13,000 students.
* The university campus sits on a hilly area of 40 hectares north of Xuan Huong Lake, beside an international 18-hole golf course. The campus is also one of the numerous romantic and beautiful spots in Dalat. There is a variety of styled buildings hidden throughout the pine trees. The campus offers peace and quiet which is an ideal atmosphere for learning and research.
* At present, the University of Dalat offers over 30 programs at the undergraduate level. In addition, and a graduate program in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Philology and. In addition, a doctoral degree program in Mathematics is offered. more...
[[ 17 Academics Faculties]]
'''1. Mathematics and Computer Science'''
In 1977, the forerunner of Mathematics Faculty was only consisted of four teachers. In 1981, the Mathematics Faculty was founded. Then it was renamed to Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in 1999. Today, our Faculty has more than 20 teachers in two branches: Education Mathematics and Computer Science. The average number of new students is about 150 per year.
In addition to regular class, UDL provides also in-service, remote and crash course training. Since 1992, UDL has opened the Master program of Analysis Mathematics. The first Doctoral program started in 2007.
During the 30 years, UDL made considerable contributions to scientific research. Contributions of UDL are mainly aimed to these branches: Theory of Singularities, Probability and Statistics, Applied Mathematics and Optimization. Many articles were published and some of them were highly appreciated by both national and international specialists.
'''2. Physics'''
• To provide bachelor programs in Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Technology Physics, Telecom-Computer Electronics, and Physics Pedagogy
• To provide general studies in the first two years, and professional studies in the final two years
• To train professional skills for further application after graduation by requiring students to work in laboratories and working jointly with the Institute of Nuclear Research in Dalat
Telecom-Computer Electronics: Students are required to study computer programs: software, programming languages, computer networks, theories and techniques in telecommunication, television, and video, telecom systems, antenna technology, multimedia, nuclear electronics and industry. After graduation, students are expected to participate in several related fields such as power, electronics, civil electricity, radio and television broadcasting, and applied computer sciences.
Nuclear Physics: Students are required to study nuclear structures, neutron physics and reactors, nuclear techniques, nuclear techniques applied to technology, medicines, and environment, environmental physics, radioactive safety… After graduation, students are expected to participate in several fields such as nuclear research, nuclear techniques.
Theoretical Physics: Students are required to study group theory, general theory of relativity, standard magnetism, electromagnetism, unified interaction. And they are expected to go to mathematical and computer seminars. After graduation students are expected to continue their studies and research at a higher level in research institutes or teach at high school.
'''3. Chemistry'''
* To offer bachelor programs in Analytic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Natural Compounds.
* Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry
* Organic Chemistry- Physical Chemistry
* Chemistry Pedagogy
'''4. Biology'''
* To offer bachelor’s programs based on biology and biological technology with basic knowledge, research methods, and professional skills to solve practical issues
* In addition to the courses in biology, students are also provided with supplementary courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.
Currently, there are two academic course codes: Biotechnology and Biology with two different programs.
- Bachelor of Biotechnology
- Bachelor of Biology
There are 11 laboratories for students to practice.
Numerous research projects are being conducted by a total of 13 staff members, including one doctor, nine master and one PhD student and two postgraduate students. The research includes:
- Producing sprouts in 2008 to provide for the market, restaurants and hotels in Da Lat.
- Quality auditing for vegetable and flower for export, soil analysis, identification of plant diseases
- Trial producing enzyme products for aquaculture and exploring consumption of the market aimed to extend the production in industrial scale in 2009.
- Collect and grow newly introduced Cymbidium and available Cymbidium. To 2015, building a quality Cymbidium garden with half a hectare in the University Campus.
Furthermore, faculty will continue to collaborate with the Ho Chi Minh National University to train human resources, and develop animal biotechnology to serve for animal husbandry in local and South East provinces of Viet Nam.
'''5. Environmental Studies'''
The Department of Environmental Studies (DES) of the University of DaLat was formed in 2000. The Department offers a major program leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Studies, with degree concentrations in Environmental Technology and Environmental Management.
The faculty staff consists of 15 members, including one Associate Professor, two Doctors, and eight Masters. To date, 430 bachelor degrees have been conferred, and 500 students are now taking different courses at the DES.
So far, the faculty staff have carried out several highly-viable scientific researches and have had publications in different journals. The Department has also entered into partnership with some regional enterprises. Experiments are done in four laboratories at the Department: Environmental Technology, Environmental Monitoring and Analysis, Environmental Microbiology and Information Technology Applications.
The Environmental Studies Department is entitled to cooperate in doing research and transferring technology in the following fields:
1. Design and implement water supply, wastewater or exhaust gas treatment systems;
2. Make reports on the environmental impact assessment for the enterprises and projects;
3. Consult about or offer short-term training courses in Environmental Technology and Management;
4. Environmental monotoring and analysis;
5. Restoration projects for polluted soils.
Graduates of the DES are well-prepared for graduate studies and employment in the public or private sectors related to the environment. Typical employment opportunities are found in environmental testing or consulting firms, government agencies and environmental divisions of large corporations.
'''6. Agriculture-Forestry'''
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry was established based on the Former Economic Agriculture and Forestry Board according to the decision No. 3585/QĐ-BGD&ĐT-TCCB on 07/07/2003 of the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Training.
Now, Faculty are being oriented to development to one of the most important agricultural studies and research faculty of the University of Da Lat.
The mission of Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry is to stabilize and focus on enhancement of quality graduate students so that they can serve the socioeconomic development of the Highlands, South-Eastern provinces and Coastal regions of Central Vietnam.
Academic Courses
Three key departments form the backbone of the faculty. They are:
- Bachelor of Agronomics
- Bachelor of Postharvest Technology
- College level of Postharvest Technology
From 2008, courses will be conducted with units of credits (144 units of credit/department).
Undergraduate students of College of Postharvest Technology have a chance to study in Bachelor of Postharvest Technology.
International Collaboration
- National Chungbuk University (Korea)
- The University of Newcastle (Australia)
- Andong National (Korea)
- King's Mongkut National University (Thailand)
Current Research Projects – Production and Technology Transfer
Numerous research projects are being conducted by a total of 16 staff members
- Quality audit for vegetables, fruit and flowers for export.
- Soil analysis.
- Identification of flower, plant and industrial diseases.
- Collaborate with the company and foreign company to produce mass living organisms and bioactive substances.
- Collaborate with the other faculties to establish a Center of Plant Propagation and Propagation in- vitro and ex-vitro.
- Hand over the process: breeding, selection and production.
- Postharvest services of preservation and processing vegetables and flowers.
Furthermore, the Faculty will continue to collaborate with the external university, organizations, institutes and local and national research centers such as Cotton and Other Fiber Crops Research and Development Institute, Biology Sub-Institute Dalat, the Office of Science and Technology Lam Đong and Đong Nai, Research Center of Biology and Forestry and the Office of Agriculture, Institute of Applied Technology of Ho Chi Minh in order to implement training programs and extend training and researching.
'''7. Information Technology'''
'''8. Philology and Culture'''
* To provide a bachelor program for students who work for broadcasting and television stations or companies, in cultural organizations, or who want to do more research on unique topics in the Western Highland area.
'''9. History'''
* To provide a bachelor program for students who want to become experts in historical topics, work for museums or cultural organizations.
* After completing the programs students can also become teachers of history at high schools.
1. History of Vietnam
2. History of the World
3. Ethnography
4. History Pedagogy
'''10. Economics and Business Administration'''
* To provide students with the basic knowledge and current situations of business
* After completing the programs, students are expected to work independently and creatively in their own business or in business communities.
Students can specialize in Marketing, Human Resources, Tourism, and Accounting.
'''11. Foreign Languages'''
The Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL), founded in 1989, provides two majors, English and International studies.
The program focuses on skills which support the achievement of language performance, such as writing, reading, speaking, and listening, along with general knowledge about international studies.
Those who major in English are offered courses which help them enhance the general knowledge about American Studies, British Studies, American Literature, and British Literature which boost the capacity of their language usage as well as communicative competence.
Selective courses, such as English for Tourism, English for Journalism, and Business English are always available for those who would love to pursue a career relating to those areas and to meet the requirement of the society.
For those majoring in pedagogy, (i.e. after graduation, these students will be working as teachers of English,) the program offers them a variety of chances to equip themselves with knowledge of the arts of education, and of language teaching methodologies, etc.
A modern laboratory with updated facilities is available for students to practice their skills. Students can also benefit from learning and communicating with native English speakers who come to work on campus voluntarily.
Students who graduate from the University of Dalat, majoring in English, will be able to work as teachers of English, interpreters, and translators in most social economical organizations.
Apart from general knowledge provided at school, students majoring in International Studies are provided with opportunities to accomplish and enhance their fundamental knowledge of international studies and specific skills about human, society, international relations, which in turn, boost their capacity in their long run careers.
The program is headed to focusing on specific syllabi such as Western Studies, American Studies, Asian � Pacific Studies, or International Relations.
Those who major in International Studies will be able to serve in international organizations, or in bureaus that concern international relations. In addition, they will be ready to serve in offices relating to international relations in international organizations, governmental or non-governmental organizations, and educational organizations.
The DFF offers English and International Studies programs, full time and part time classes.
1. Full time English program
Annually, more than 250 students enroll in the full time English program offered at the FFL. And the number of full time English major students at the DFF is approximately 1000. These students come from all over the country.
2. Part time English program
The FFL offers on and off campus part time (in service) programs to meet the demand of those who wish to equip themselves with a foreign language.
3. Full time International Studies
Annually, about more than 100 students enroll in the full time International Studies program offered by the FFL. The number of full time International Studies major students at the DFF is now approximately 200. These students also come from all over the country.
Teachers working at the FFL carry out a number of studies supporting the cause of learning and teaching languages.
Students are also encouraged to participate in the trend of carrying out scientific studies, making it possible to spread the influence of scientific research to all members of the Faculty, teachers and students.
'''12. Oriental Studies'''
Faculty of Oriental studies now has three departments, including Vietnamese studies (since 1995), Korean studies (since 2004), and Japanese studies (since 2007).
The Faculty is intending to open several new areas of study in the coming years such as Chinese studies, Southeast Asian studies, in-service courses of Korean studies, Japanese studies and Chinese studies. Also short-term and medium length courses of Korean, Japanese, Chinese for Vietnamese as well as Vietnamese language and culture for foreigners in order to satisfy the increasing demands of the society.
Vietnamese studies focuses on Vietnamese culture and tourism; therefore, the Faculty will pay special attention to outdoor activities through organizing trans-Vietnam programs in order to help as students approach vestiges and the beauty of nature all over the country such as Ha Long Bay or Mui Ne.
The fields of study of Korean, Japanese and Chinese studies concentrate on the knowledge of language and country studies (political institutions, geography, history, tourism, culture, and literature) of each nation.
In terms of international cooperation, under the leadership of University of Dalat, Department of Scientific Research and International Cooperation, the Department has enhanced its relationships with organizations and universities in the region (in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan). In the process of training, some students of the Faculty are offered full and part scholarships to participate in short-term courses (two months, six months, and one year) in other countries.
Photographs of the falcuty’s student activities are presented below.
'''13. Law Studies'''
* To provide a bachelor program on law studies in order to train experts on law
* After completing the program, students are supposed to work for the government, business, political, or mass organizations. They can also work as lecturers of law at vocational schools, colleges or universities.
'''14. Sociology and Social Work'''
The Department of Sociology and Social Work was officially established in 2008 following the merge of the Department of Social Work and Community Development and the Department of Sociology. Therefore, it is considered a very new department of Dalat University.
The purpose of Department of Sociology and Social Work is to provide educational opportunities for students who wish to pursue a career as a practitioner or researcher in the fields of sociology, social work and community development.
At the undergraduate level, the Department of Sociology and Social Work has the two following areas of concentration:
Social Work and Community Development
The general objective of the Department of Sociology and Social Work is to educate students studying either the bachelors of Sociology or bachelors of Social Work and Community Development
* to educate specialists who have good ethical and moral principles, the ability to serve the community, maintain their health and skills in interpersonal communication.
* to systematically develop professional knowledge as well as practical skills in research and a passion for the profession.
* to gain the ability to apply theory and skills into researching and addressing social problems and problems in the relationship between the client and their social environment. In doing this they are able to enhance the capacity of people and communities and contribute to social development.
The Undergraduate Program of Sociology and Social Work utilizes the credit system based on the following requirements:
Duration: 4 years.
Required number of credits: 125.
Eligibility: students who have graduated from high school.
'''15. Tourism'''
The Faculty of Tourism was established in 2002 according to the decision 185/TCCB of the Ministry of Education and Training. The faculty’s program was built with the support of UQAM (Université de Québec à Montréal, Canada). In order to provide quality human resources in tourism to Vietnam, the Faculty of Tourism has two 4-year-programs. Each program focuses on management of tourism and travel, management of restaurants and hotels; and one 2-year-program specializing in tourism operations such as FO operations, F&B operation, and Tour guide operations.
• Analyzing the impacts to the development of tourism in Dalat and Vietnam.
• Following up and updating the policies as well as the regulations in tourism management.
• Analyzing and implementing tourism market, and approaching strategies.
• Having good skills of communication in Tourism English
• Having abilities to make and control tourism development plans.
• Analyzing capacities as well as forecasting the development of different types of tourism.
• Planning policies for tourism development of each area.
After completing the programs, a BA of tourism can provide students with:
• Working at tourism offices and companies, in different positions such as marketing area, receptionist, room division, and restaurant manager…
• Planning and developing tourism destinations and working as tour guides in domestic and foreign tour operators.
• Working in research and training fields relating to tourism.
• Establishing private businesses in tourism (hotels, restaurants, and travel companies), based on knowledge acquired during studies at the university such as enterprise management and law.
• Continuing to pursue higher education level of tourism in other Vietnamese and foreign universities
. Main activities for students
Some student activities include:
* Organize various field trips for students in order to help them get more practical knowledge and professional skills.
* Establish tourism skills clubs to help students have opportunities to exchange, learn and improve their skills in the process of learning (English club, club for tour guides, Club for communication skills.). Currently, students are participating as tour guides for American tourists from Grand Cycle Travel.
* Tourism students join every event on campus which includes culture, sports and others promoted by the university.
* Tourism Department cooperates closely with the University of Quebec at Montreal - UQAM (Canada) in the process of training. The University UQAM has
- sent experts to support the UDL in designing tourism training programs.
- sent professors, books and equipment to help the department in teaching.
- received young lecturers, and excellent students to study in exchange.
* The Tourism Department has signed agreements with six local tourism enterprises that help students to practice.
• Department of Culture, Sport and Tourism of Lam Dong.
• Joint Stock Tourism company of Ba Ria - Vung Tau.
• Dalattourist
• Ana Mandara Resort Villas Dalat
• Blue Moon Hotel Dalat
• Ngoc Lan Hotel Dalat.
'''16. Pedagogy'''
'''17. Graduate Studies'''
Authorized by the Ministry of Education and Training, the University of Dalat offered its first master's degree program in 1994. Since that time, together with the support and collaboration of several international and in-country professors, UDL has continued to meet the needs of its graduate students, who mostly come from other universities, colleges, organizations and management and business offices in different provinces and cities.
1. Develop the professional skills and academic competencies of students.
2. Prepare students for further graduate study.
3. Promote the development of intellectual inquiry and to develop research skills that may be applied in a professional context.
4. Contribute to the development of qualified human resources for colleges, universities, and government offices.
The Department of Graduate Studies provides master's programs for students who take Master of Science (M.Sc.) in:
1. Analytic Mathematics
2. Technological Physics
3. Analytic Chemistry
4. Natural Resources and Environment (Biology)
5. History of Vietnam
6. Vietnamese Literature
1. Administration
2. Personnel
3. Undergraduate and Graduate Regular Trainings
4. (Irregular) Training
5. Student Affairs
6. Scientific Research and International Cooperation
7. Maintenance
8. Finance and Planning
9. Education Supervising Committee
1. Information and Library
2. Testing System and Accreditation
3. Informatics
4. Foreign Languages I
5. Foreign Languages II
6. Cisco System
7. Short Term Training and Enrollment
1. Marxist Leninist Theory
2. Physical Education
3. Dormitory
For more information please contact:
University of Dalat
1 Phu Dong Thien Vuong Street, Dalat – Lamdong
Tel: 84 (063) 822246
Fax: 84 (063) 823380
The Department of Scientific Research and International Cooperation
Tel./Fax: 84 (063) 822983
==[[CỰUCựu SINHsinh VIÊN]]viên==
Một số cựu sinh viên Đại học Đà Lạt đã thành danh trong những lĩnh vực khác nhau:
*[[Lê Cung Bắc]], diễn viên, đạo diễn điện ảnh; cựu sinh viên Trường Chính trị Kinh doanh.<ref>[ Đạo diễn Lê Cung Bắc: Làm nghệ thuật không nên tự mãn sớm]</ref>
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{{Du lịch Lâm Đồng}}
[[Thể loại:Đại Họchọc Côngcông Lậplập Việt Nam]]
[[Thể loại:Trường đại học tại Đà Lạt|Đà Lạt]]
[[Thể loại:Thành lập 1958]]