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Dòng 25:
How would you convert the decimal 27 to hex? You can see that there is one unit of 16 in this decimal; that leaves 11 units of one. This is represented in hex with “1b” – one unit of sixteen, 11 units of one.<br>
===Work From Left To Right To Perform Decimal – Hexadecimal Conversions.===
{| border="1"
| || Units of 256 || Units of 16 || Units of 1 || Hexadecimal Value
|- || || || ||
| Decimal Number “27” || 0 || 1 || B (11) || 1b
Converting the decimal 322 to hex is no problem. There is one unit of 256; that leaves 66. There are four units of 16 in 66; that leaves 2, or two units of one. The hex equivalent of the decimal 322 is the hex figure 142 – one unit of 256, four units of 32, and 2 units of 2.<p>
{| border="1"
| || Units of 256 || Units of 16 || Units of 1 || Hexadecimal Value
|- || || || ||
| Decimal Number “322” || 1 || 4 || 2 || 142
Hex-to-decimal conversions are even simpler. Given the hex number 144, what is the decimal equivalent? We have one unit of 256, four units of 16, and four units of 4. This gives us the decimal figure 324.<p>
{| border="1"
| || Units of 256 || Units of 16 || Units of 1 || Decimal Value
|- || || || ||
| Hexadecimal Number “144”” || 1 || 4 || 4 || 256 + 64 + 4 = 324
What about the hex figure c2? We now know that the letter “c” represents the decimal number “12”. This means we have 12 units of 16, and two units of 2. This gives us the decimal figure 194.<p>
{| border="1"
| || Units of 256 || Units of 16 || Units of 1 || Decimal Value
|- || || || ||
| Hexadecimal Number “c2” || 0 || 12 || 2 || 192 + 2 = 194
==Tips for Exam Day==