Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Quần đảo Eo Biển”

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Dòng 1:
{{Đang dịch 2 (nguồn)|ngày=28
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{{Infobox islands
| name = Quần đảo Eo Biển
Hàng 67 ⟶ 61:
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'''Quần đảo Eo Biển''' ({{lang-en|Channel Islands}}, [[tiếng Norman]]: ''Îles d'la Manche'', [[tiếng Pháp]]: ''Îles Anglo-Normandes'' hay ''Îles de la Manche'') là một [[thuộc địa Hoàng gia]] Anh Quốc tại [[eo biển Manche]], ngoài khơi bờ biển [[Normandy]] của [[Pháp]]. Lãnh thổ này bao gồm hai [[địa hạt]] riêng biệt: [[Guernsey]] và [[Jersey]]. Chúng được coi là tàn dư của [[Công quốc Normandie]], và không phải là một phần của [[Vương quốc Liên hiệp Anh và Bắc Ireland]].<ref>[]</ref> Hai địa hạt có tổng số cư dân vào khoảng 158.000 người và thủ phủ tương ứng của chúng là [[St. Peter Port]] và [[St. Helier]], có dân số là 16.488 và 28.310 người. Tổng diện tích quần đảo là 194&nbsp;km².
Hàng 95 ⟶ 88:
Đỉnh cao nhất của quần đảo là [[Les Platons]] tại Jersey với cao độ 143 mét (469&nbsp;ft) trên mực nước biển.
== HistoryLịch sử ==
{{Main|History of Jersey|History of Guernsey|Occupation of the Channel Islands|Windmills in the Channel Islands}}
[[File:La Gran'mère du Chimquière Guernsey.jpg|thumb|''La Gran'mère du Chimquière'', [[Statue menhir]], [[Saint Martin, Guernsey]]]]
Bằng chứng sớm nhất về sự cư trú của loài người tại Quần đảo Eo Biển đã có niên đại từ 25.000 năm trước khi lãnh thổ vấn còn gắn liền với lục địa châu Âu.<ref>[]</ref> Các hòn đảo bị tách khỏi đại lục khi mực nước biển dâng lên vào [[thời kỳ đồ đá mới]]. Nhiều [[mộ đá]] và các địa điểm khảo cổ khác tồn tại và ghi chép trong lịch sử đã chứng minh sự tồn tại của một lượng cư dân lớn và được tổ chức đủ đẻ học có thể xây cất nên các công trình có kích thước to lớn và có sự tinh tế, như gò mộ tại [[La Hougue Bie]]<ref>[]</ref> tại Jersey hay [[statue menhir]] tại Guernsey.
The earliest evidence of human occupation of the Channel Islands has been dated to 25,000 years ago when they were attached to the landmass of continental Europe.<ref>[]</ref> The islands became detached by rising sea levels in the Neolithic period. The numerous [[dolmen]]s and other archaeological sites extant and recorded in history demonstrate the existence of a population large enough and organised enough to undertake constructions of considerable size and sophistication, such as the burial mound at [[La Hougue Bie]]<ref>[]</ref> in Jersey or the [[statue menhir]]s of Guernsey.
Những nơi chôn giấu các đồng xu [[Armorica]] đã được khai quật, chúng cung cấp bằng chứng về thương mại và sự giao thiệp trong thời đồ đá. Bằng chứng về các khu định cư La Mã chỉ nằm rải rác, mặc dù rõ ràng là các hòn đảo được các quan chức và thương nhân La Mã viếng thăm. Các tên Latinh truyền thống của các hòn đảo (Caesarea của Jersey, Sarnia của Guernsey, Riduna của Alderney) có nguồn gốc (có thể nhầm lẫn) từ [[Hành trình Antonine]]. Văn hóa Gallo-La Mã đã được tiếp nhận trên một phạm vi không rõ tại các hòn đảo.<ref>''Balleine's History of Jersey'', Marguerite Syvret and Joan Stevens (1998) ISBN 1-86077-065-7</ref>
===From the Iron Age===
Vào thế kỷ 6, các nhà truỳen giao Ki-tô đã viếng thăm các hòn đảo. [[Samson of Dol]], [[Helier]], [[Marculf]] và [[Magloire]] nằm trong số các vị thánh có liên hệ với quần đảo. Mặc dù ban đầu được gộp vào trong giáo phận Dol, ngay trong thế kỷ 6 thì quần đảo đã được chuyển sang giáo phận Coutances, có lẽ là nằm dưới ảnh hưởng của Giám mục Prætextatus.
Hoards of [[Armorica]]n coins have been excavated, providing evidence of trade and contact in the Iron Age period. Evidence for Roman settlement is sparse, although evidently the islands were visited by Roman officials and traders. The traditional Latin names of the islands (Caesarea for Jersey, Sarnia for Guernsey, Riduna for Alderney) derive (possibly mistakenly) from the [[Antonine Itinerary]]. Gallo-Roman culture was adopted to an unknown extent in the islands.<ref>''Balleine's History of Jersey'', Marguerite Syvret and Joan Stevens (1998) ISBN 1-86077-065-7</ref>
Từ lúc bắt đầu thế kỷ thứ 9, những người Norse đã xuất hiện tại vùng bờ biển. Các khu định cư của người Norse đã thành công trong các cuộc tấn công ban đầu, và từ thời kỳ này thì nhiều tên địa danh có nguồn gốc Norse đã xuất hiện, bao gồm tên gọi của các đảo hiện nay.
In the 6th century Christian missionaries visited the islands. [[Samson of Dol]], [[Helier]], [[Marculf]] and [[Magloire]] are among saints associated with the islands. Although originally included within the [[diocese of Dol]], in the 6th century the islands were transferred to the [[diocese of Coutances]], perhaps under the influence of [[Prætextatus (Bishop of Rouen)|Prætextatus]].
Quần đảo được sáp nhập vào [[Công quốc Normandy]] năm 933. Năm 1066, [[William I của Anh|William II của Normandy]], một [[chư hầu]] của quốc vương nước Pháp, đã xâm lược và chinh phục Anh, trở thành vua William I của England, hay còn gọi là William Nhà chinh phạt. Trong thời kỳ 1204–1214, [[John của Anh|vua John]] đã để mất các vùng đất Angevintại miền bắc Pháp, bao gồm cả Normandy đại lục, cho [[Philippe II của Pháp|vua Philippe II của Pháp]]; năm 1259 người kế vị của ông, [[Henry III của Anh|Henry III]] đã chính thức từ bỏ tuyên bố và tước hiệu Công tước Normandy, song vẫn giữ lại Quần đảo Eo Biển. Từ đó, Quần đảo Eo Biển được quản lý như thuộc địa của hoàng gia, tách biệt với Vương quốc Anh và các quốc gia kế thừa của nó.
From the beginning of the 9th century Norse raiders appeared on the coasts. Norse settlement succeeded initial attacks, and it is from this period that many place names of Norse origin appear, including the modern names of the islands.
Quần đảo bị người Pháp xâm lược vào năm 1338, và họ chiếm giữ được một số lãnh thổ cho đến năm 1345. Owen của Wales đã tiến đánh Jersey và Guernsey vào năm 1372, và đến năm 1373 [[Bertrand du Guesclin]] đã bao vây [[Mont Orgueil]].<ref>
===From the Duchy of Normandy===
[ Bertrand du Guesclin: The Black Dog of Brittany], copyright 2010, truy cập 31 tháng 10 năm 2010.</ref>
Jersey bị người Pháp chiếm giữ trong [[Chiến tranh Hoa Hồng]] từ năm 1461 đến 1468. Năm 1483, một sắc lệnh Giáo hoàng đã quy định rằng quần đảo sẽ trung lập trong thời gian chiến tranh. Đặc quyền trung lập này cho phép người dân các đảo có thể giao thương với cả Pháp và Anh và nó được tôn trọng cho đến năm 1689 khi bị "Order in Council" bãi bỏ sau [[Cách mạng Vinh Quang]] tại Anh Quốc.
The islands were annexed to the [[Duchy of Normandy]] in 933. In 1066, [[William I of England|William II of Normandy]], a [[vassal]] to the king of France, invaded and conquered England, becoming William I of England, also known as William the Conqueror. In the period 1204–1214, [[John of England|King John]] lost the Angevin lands in northern France, including mainland Normandy, to [[Philip II of France|King Philip II of France]]; in 1259 his successor, [[Henry III of England|Henry III]] officially surrendered his claim and title to the Duchy of Normandy, while retaining the Channel Islands. Since then, the Channel Islands have been governed as possessions of [[the Crown]] separate from the Kingdom of England and its successor kingdoms of Great Britain and the United Kingdom.
Nhiều nỗ lực khác nhau nhằm chuyển các hòn đảo từ giáo phận Coutances (đến Nantes (1400), Salisbury (1496) và Winchester (1499)) đã có tác động hạn chế cho đến khi một "Order in Council" năm 1569 chính thức đưa quần đảo vào giáo phận Winchester. Quần đảo nằm dưới quyền cai quản của giám mục Winchester song việc quản lý không hiệu quả và chúng đã chịu sự áp đảo của những [[Thần học Calvin|người theo thuyết Clavin]] và chế độ giám mục đã không được phục hồi cho đến năm 1620 tại Jersey và năm 1663 tại Guernsey.
The islands were invaded by the French in 1338, who held some territory until 1345. Owen of Wales attacked Jersey and Guernsey in 1372, and in 1373 [[Bertrand du Guesclin]] besieged [[Mont Orgueil]].<ref>
[ Bertrand du Guesclin: The Black Dog of Brittany], copyright 2010, accessed 31 October 2010.</ref>
Jersey was occupied by the French in the [[Wars of the Roses]] from 1461 to 1468. In 1483 a [[Papal Bull]] decreed that the islands would be neutral during time of war. This privilege of neutrality enabled islanders to trade with both France and England and was respected until 1689 when it was abolished by [[Order in Council]] following the [[Glorious Revolution]] in Great Britain.{{Citation needed|date=November 2010}}
Trong [[Các cuộc chiến tranh của ba Vương quốc]], Jersey là thành trì của phe Bảo hoàng, cung cấp nơi trú ẩn cho [[Charles II của Anh|Charles, Thân vương xứ Wales]] vào năm 1646 và 1649–1650, trong khi phe Trưởng lão mạnh hơn tại Guernsey nói chung ủng hộ phe Nghị viện (mặc dù [[lâu đài Cornet]] vào ngày 15 tháng 12 năm 1651, thành trì bảo hoàng cuối cùng tại quần đảo Anh đã đầu hàng).<ref>''Portrait of the Channel Islands'', Lemprière, London 1970</ref>
Various attempts to transfer the islands from the diocese of Coutances (to Nantes (1400), Salisbury (1496) and Winchester (1499)) had little effect until an Order in Council of 1569 brought the islands formally into the [[diocese of Winchester]]. Control by the bishop of Winchester was ineffectual as the islands had turned overwhelmingly [[Calvinism|Calvinist]] and the episcopacy was not restored until 1620 in Jersey and 1663 in Guernsey.{{Citation needed|date=November 2010}}
Sau năm 1945, công cuộc tái thiết đã dẫn đến một sự chuyển đổi nền kinh tế của quần đảo, thu hút người nhập cư và phát triển du lịch. Các cơ quan lập quan được cải cách và các chính quyền không đảng phái đã bắt tay vào việc thực hiện các chương trình xã hội, được hỗ trợ từ nguồn thu nhập "tài chính ngoài khơi" (offshore finance), vốn phát triển nhanh chóng từ thập niên 1960.<ref>[]</ref> Quần đảo đã quyết định không gia nhập [[Cộng đồng Kinh tế châu Âu]] khi Anh Quốc gia nhập.<ref>[]</ref> Từ thập niên 1990, chính quyền quần đảo đã gặp phải thách thức khi nguồn thu từ các ngành nông nghiệp và du lịch suy giảm.<ref>[]</ref>
Sark in the 16th century was uninhabited until colonised from Jersey in the 1560s. The grant of seigneurship from [[Elizabeth I of England]] forms the basis of Sark's constitution today.
== Tham khảo==
Over a dozen [[windmills]] are known to have existed in the Channel Isles. They were mostly [[tower mill]]s used for grinding corn.{{Citation needed|date=November 2010}}
== Liên kết ngoài ==
===From the 17th century===
During the [[Wars of the Three Kingdoms]], Jersey held out strongly for the Royalist cause, providing refuge for [[Charles II of England|Charles, Prince of Wales]] in 1646 and 1649–1650, while the more strongly Presbyterian Guernsey more generally favoured the parliamentary cause (although [[Castle Cornet]] was, on 15 December 1651, the last Royalist stronghold in the British Isles to surrender).<ref>''Portrait of the Channel Islands'', Lemprière, London 1970</ref>
The islands acquired commercial and political interests in the North American colonies. Islanders became involved with the [[Newfoundland (island)|Newfoundland]] fisheries in the 17th century. In recognition for all the help given to him during his exile in Jersey in the 1640s, [[Charles II of England|Charles II]] gave [[George Carteret]], Bailiff and governor, a large grant of land in the American colonies, which he promptly named [[New Jersey]], now part of the United States of America. [[Edmund Andros|Sir Edmund Andros]] of Guernsey was an early colonial governor in North America, and head of the short-lived [[Dominion of New England]].{{Citation needed|date=November 2010}}
In the 19th century, wealthy French émigrés fleeing the revolution sought residency in the islands. Many of the town domiciles existing today were built in that time. In [[Saint Peter Port]], a large part of the harbour had been built by 1865.
===20th century===
[[File:Bunker in Alderney.JPG|right|300px|thumb|The Channel Islands remain covered in German [[fortification]]s built in the Second World War.]]
====World War II====
The islands were the only part of the [[Commonwealth of Nations|British Commonwealth]] to be [[Occupation of the Channel Islands|occupied by the German Army]] during [[World War II]].
The [[British Government]] demilitarised the islands in June 1940 and the Lieutenant-Governors were withdrawn on 21 June, leaving the insular administrations to continue government as best they could under impending military occupation.<ref name="GOotCI" />
Before German troops landed, between 30 June and 4 July 1940, evacuation took place (many young men had already left to join the Allied armed forces): 6,600 out of 50,000 left Jersey whilst 17,000 out of 42,000 left Guernsey.<ref name="">[ A Forgotten Story | Guernsey Evacuees Oral History<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> Thousands of children were evacuated with their schools to [[England]] and [[Scotland]], and a number of Guernsey headteachers re-established their schools in Britain for the duration of the war. One such school was assisted financially by the 'Foster Parent Plan for Children Affected by War' where each child was sponsored by a wealthy American; one girl, Paulette, was sponsored by [[Eleanor Roosevelt]] herself.<ref>[ Eleanor Roosevelt and the Guernsey Evacuee | Guernsey Evacuees Oral History<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
The population of Sark largely remained where they were;<ref name="GOotCI" /> but in [[Alderney#History|Alderney]], the entire population, save for six persons, left. In Alderney, the occupying Germans built [[Alderney concentration camps|four concentration camps]] in which over 700 people out of a total prisoner population of about 6,000 died. Due to the destruction of documents, it is impossible to state how many forced workers died in the other islands.<ref name="GOotCI" /> These were the only Nazi concentration camps on [[British Islands|British]] soil.<ref name="okeefe">{{cite web |author=Christine O'Keefe |url= |title=Appendix F: Concentration Camps: Endlösung – The Final Solution |accessdate=6 June 2009 |postscript=<!-- Bot inserted parameter. Either remove it; or change its value to "." for the cite to end in a ".", as necessary. -->{{inconsistent citations}}}}</ref><ref name="aurigny">{{cite web |author=Matisson Consultants |url= |title=Aurigny ; un camp de concentration nazi sur une île anglo-normande (English: Alderney, a Nazi concentration camp on an island Anglo-Norman) |accessdate=6 June 2009 |postscript=<!-- Bot inserted parameter. Either remove it; or change its value to "." for the cite to end in a ".", as necessary. -->{{inconsistent citations}}}} {{fr icon}}</ref>
[[File:VEGA Royal Square Jersey.jpg|thumb|During the German occupation of [[Jersey]], a stonemason repairing the paving of the Royal Square incorporated a [[V sign#The V campaign and the victory/freedom sign|V for victory]] under the noses of the occupiers. This was later amended to refer to the Red Cross ship ''Vega''. The addition of the date 1945 and a more recent frame has transformed it into a monument]]
The [[Royal Navy]] [[blockade]]d the islands from time to time, particularly following the [[Invasion of Normandy]] in June 1944. There was considerable hunger and privation during the five years of German occupation, particularly in the final months when the population was close to starvation. Intense negotiations resulted in some humanitarian aid being sent via the [[Red Cross]], leading to the arrival of the [[Red Cross]] supply ship ''Vega'' in December 1944.
The German occupation of 1940–45 was harsh: over 2,000 Islanders were deported by the Germans,<ref name="GOotCI">''The German Occupation of the Channel Islands'', Cruikshank, Oxford 1975 ISBN 0-19-285087-3</ref> Jews sent to [[concentration camp]]s; [[Partisan (military)|partisan]] resistance and retribution; accusations of [[collaborationism|collaboration]]; and slave labour (primarily [[Russia]]ns and eastern Europeans) brought to the islands to build [[fortification]]s,<ref>[]/</ref> with 65,718 landmines laid in Jersey alone.<ref>''German Fortifications in Jersey'', Ginns & Bryans, Jersey 1975</ref> According to the [[Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom)|Ministry of Defence]], a very high proportion of women "from all classes and families" had sexual relations with the enemy, and 800-900 children were born to German fathers.<ref>{{cite news| url= | work=The New York Times | first=Barry | last=James | title=Documents Show Government's Concern : Was Duke of Windsor A Nazi Sympathizer? | date=4 December 1996}}</ref>
The end of the occupation came after [[VE-Day]] on 8 May 1945, Jersey and Guernsey being liberated on 9 May. The German garrison in Alderney did not surrender until 16 May and it was one of the last of the [[Nazi German]] remnants to surrender.<ref name="dday">{{cite web |author=Legacy Publishers |title=Nazi Germany Surrenders: February 1945 – May 1945 |url= |postscript=<!-- Bot inserted parameter. Either remove it; or change its value to "." for the cite to end in a ".", as necessary. -->{{inconsistent citations}}}}</ref> The first evacuees returned on the first sailing from Great Britain on 23 June,<ref name="GOotCI" /> but the people of Alderney were unable to start returning until December 1945. Many of the evacuees who returned home had difficulty reconnecting with their families after five years of separation.<ref name=""/>
Following the liberation of 1945, reconstruction led to a transformation of the economies of the islands, attracting immigration and developing tourism. The legislatures were reformed and non-party governments embarked on social programmes, aided by the incomes from [[offshore finance]], which grew rapidly from the 1960s.<ref>[]</ref>
The islands decided not to join the [[European Economic Community]] when the UK joined, and remain outside.<ref>[]{{dead link|date=July 2012}}</ref>
Since the 1990s declining profitability of agriculture and tourism have challenged the governments of the islands.<ref>[]</ref>
== Politics ==
{{Main|Crown Dependencies|Politics of Jersey|Politics of Guernsey|Politics of Alderney}}
File:Flag of Jersey.svg|Flag of [[Jersey]]
File:Flag of Guernsey.svg|Flag of [[Guernsey]]
File:Flag of Sark.svg|Flag of [[Sark]]
File:Flag of Herm.svg|Flag of [[Herm]]
File:Flag of Alderney.svg|Flag of [[Alderney]]
The Channel Islands fall into two separate [[federacy|self-governing]] bailiwicks, the Bailiwick of [[Guernsey]] and the Bailiwick of [[Jersey]]. Both are [[British Empire|British]] [[Crown dependency|Crown Dependencies]], and neither is part of the United Kingdom. They have been part of the [[Duchy of Normandy]] since the 10th century and [[Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom|Queen Elizabeth II]] is often referred to by her traditional and conventional title of [[Duke of Normandy]]. However, pursuant to the [[Treaty of Paris (1259)]], she governs in her right as The Queen (the "Crown in right of Jersey",<ref>{{cite web
|title=Public Hearing: Review of the Roles of the Crown Officers
|publisher=States of Jersey
|date=2 July 2010
|accessdate=27 November 2010}}</ref> and the "Crown in right of the ''république'' of the Bailiwick of Guernsey"),<ref>{{cite web
|title=Review of the Roles of the Jersey Crown Officers
|publisher=States of Jersey
|date=30 March 2010
|accessdate=27 November 2010}}</ref> and not as the Duke. This notwithstanding, it is a matter of local pride for monarchists to treat the situation otherwise: the [[Loyal toast|Loyal Toast]] at formal dinners is to 'The Queen, our Duke', rather than to 'Her Majesty, The Queen' as in the UK.<ref>{{cite web
|title=This is Jersey: History & Heritage
|accessdate=27 November 2010}}</ref>
A bailiwick is a territory administered by a bailiff. The [[Bailiff (Channel Islands)|Bailiff]] in each bailiwick is the civil head, presiding officer of the States, and also head of the [[judiciary]].
The systems of government date from [[Normans|Norman]] times, which accounts for the names of the legislatures, the States, derived from the [[Norman language|Norman]] 'États' or '[[Estates of the realm|estates]]' (i.e. the Crown, the Church, and the people). The States have evolved over the centuries into democratic parliaments.
[[File:States Chamber public entrance Jersey.jpg|thumb|Entrance to the public gallery of the States Chamber in Jersey.]]
Each island has its own primary legislature, known as the [[States of Guernsey]] and the [[States of Jersey]], with Chief Pleas in Sark and the [[States of Alderney]] - the Channel Islands are not represented in the [[UK Parliament]]. Laws passed by the States are given [[Royal Assent]] by [[Privy Council of the United Kingdom|The Queen in Council]], to whom the islands' governments are responsible.<ref>[]</ref>
The islands are not part of the [[European Union]], but are part of the Customs Territory of the [[European Community]] by virtue of Protocol Three to the [[Treaty on European Union]]. In September 2010 a Channel Islands Brussels Office was set up jointly by the two Bailiwicks to develop the Channel Islands' influence with the EU, to advise the Channel Islands' governments on European matters, and to promote economic links with the EU.<ref>[ Guernsey and Jersey begin recruiting for senior Brussels positions]</ref>
Both Bailiwicks are members of the [[British-Irish Council]], and [[Jèrriais]] and [[Guernésiais]] are recognised [[regional language]]s of the Isles.
The legal courts are separate; separate courts of appeal have been in place since 1961. Among the legal heritage from Norman law is the [[Clameur de haro|Clameur de Haro]].
Islanders are full British citizens, and therefore European citizens. Any British citizen who applies for a passport in Jersey or Guernsey receives a passport bearing the words "[[British Islands]], Bailiwick of Jersey" or "British Islands, Bailiwick of Guernsey". Under the provisions of Protocol Three, Channel Islanders who do not have a close connection with the UK (no parent or grandparent from the UK, and have never been resident in the UK for a five-year period) do not automatically benefit from the EU provisions on free movement within the EU and their passports receive an endorsement to that effect. This affects only a minority of islanders.
Under the UK [[Interpretation Act 1978]], the Channel Islands are deemed to be part of the British Islands,<ref>[ “British Islands” means the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. (1889)]</ref> not to be confused with the [[British Isles]]. For the purposes of the [[British Nationality Act 1981]], the “British Islands” include the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland), the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, taken together, unless the context otherwise requires.<ref>{{Cite journal|url=|title=British Nationality Act 1981|accessdate=14 September 2009|work=Legislation, UK, Acts|publisher=[[Office of Public Sector Information]]|quote=the Islands” means the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man; [...] the United Kingdom” means Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Islands, taken together.|postscript=<!-- Bot inserted parameter. Either remove it; or change its value to "." for the cite to end in a ".", as necessary. -->{{inconsistent citations}}}} [Schedule 1., s. 50 (1)]</ref>
== Economy ==
{{main|Economy of Jersey}}
{{See also|Guernsey pound|Jersey pound}}
Tourism is the major industry in the smaller islands (with some agriculture). Jersey and Guernsey have, since the 1960s, relied on financial services. Guernsey's horticultural and greenhouse activities have been more significant than in Jersey, and Guernsey has maintained [[light industry]] as a higher proportion of its economy than Jersey. Jersey's economy since the 1980s has been substantially more reliant on finance.{{Citation needed|date=October 2010}}
Both Bailiwicks issue their own banknotes and coins, which circulate freely in all the islands alongside UK coinage and Bank of England and Scottish banknotes.{{Citation needed|date=October 2010}}
There are many exports, largely consisting of crafted goods and farmed produce.{{Citation needed|date=October 2010}}
== Transport and communications ==
{{main|Jersey Post|Guernsey Post}}
Since 1969, Jersey and Guernsey have operated postal administrations independently of the UK's [[Royal Mail]], with their own postage stamps, which can be used for postage only in their respective Bailiwicks. UK stamps are no longer valid, but mail to the islands, and to the [[Isle of Man]], is charged at UK inland rates. It was not until the early 1990s that the islands joined the [[UK postcodes|UK's postcode]] system, Jersey postcodes using the initials JE and Guernsey GY.
{{main|Transport in Guernsey|Transport in Jersey}}
{{main|Roads in Jersey}}
Each of the three largest islands has a distinct vehicle registration scheme:
* Guernsey (GBG): a number of up to five digits;
* Jersey (GBJ): ''J'' followed by up to six digits (''JSY'' vanity plates are also issued);
* Alderney (GBA): ''AY'' followed by up to five digits (four digits are the most that have been used, as redundant numbers are re-issued).
In [[Sark]], where most motor traffic is prohibited, the few vehicles{{spaced ndash}}nearly all tractors{{spaced ndash}}do not display plates. Bicycles display tax discs.
In the 1960s, names used for the cross-Channel ferries plying the mail route between the islands and [[Weymouth, Dorset]], were taken from the popular Latin names for the islands: "Caesarea" (Jersey), "Sarnia" (Guernsey) and "Riduna" (Alderney).
Today, the ferry route between the Channel Islands and the UK is operated by [[Condor Ferries]] from both St Helier, Jersey and St Peter Port, Guernsey, using high-speed catamaran fast craft to [[Weymouth, Dorset|Weymouth]] and [[Poole]] in the UK. A regular passenger ferry service on the Commodore Clipper goes from both Channel Island ports to [[Portsmouth]] daily, and carries both passengers and freight.
Ferry services to Normandy are operated by Manche Îles Express, and services between Jersey and [[Saint Malo]] are operated by Compagnie Corsaire and Condor.
The Isle of Sark Shipping Company operates small ferries to Sark.
There are three airports in the Channel Islands; [[Alderney Airport]], [[Guernsey Airport]] and [[Jersey Airport]], which are directly connected to each other by services operated by [[Blue Islands]] and [[Aurigny]].
The [[Alderney Railway]] is the only operating railway in the Channel Islands.{{Citation needed|date=October 2010}}
Regional television and radio broadcasts are available in the islands. These services are provided by [[BBC Radio Jersey]], [[BBC Radio Guernsey]], [[BBC Channel Islands News|BBC Channel Islands]], [[Channel Television]], [[Island FM]], and [[Channel 103]].
Television programmes are broadcast from the [[Frémont Point transmitting station]].
There are some local newspapers including the [[Guernsey Press and Star|Guernsey Press]] and the [[Jersey Evening Post]].
{{main|Telecommunications in Jersey}}
Jersey always operated its own telephone services independently of the UK's national system, but Guernsey did not establish its own telephone services until 1969. Both islands still form part of the [[Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom|UK telephone numbering plan]], but [[Ofcom]] in the UK does not have responsibility for telecommunications regulatory and licensing issues on the islands. It is responsible for wireless telegraphy licensing throughout the islands, and by agreement, for broadcasting regulation in the two large islands only.
== Culture ==
{{Main|Culture of Jersey|Culture of Guernsey}}
{{See also|Music of the Channel Islands}}
[[File:Fête d'la Maïr Guernesy.jpg|right|thumb|300px|A sea festival<!--regatta?--> advertised using [[Guernésiais|Dgèrnésiais]].]]
The [[Norman language]] predominated in the islands until the 19th century, when increasing influence from English-speaking settlers and easier transport links led to Anglicisation.<ref>''The Triumph of the Country'', Kelleher, Jersey 1994, ISBN 0-9518162-4-1</ref> There are four main dialects/languages of Norman in the islands, [[Auregnais]] (Alderney, extinct in late 20th century), [[Guernésiais|Dgèrnésiais]] (Guernsey), [[Jèrriais]] (Jersey) and [[Sercquiais]] (Sark, an offshoot of Jèrriais).<ref>''La Grève de Lecq'', Roger Jean Lebarbenchon, 1988 ISBN 2-905385-13-8</ref>
[[Victor Hugo]] spent many years in exile, first in Jersey and then in Guernsey, where he finished ''[[Les Misérables]]''. Guernsey is the setting of Hugo's later novel, ''Les Travailleurs De La Mer'' (''[[The Toilers of the Sea]]'').<ref>[ "Trail of the unexpected: Victor Hugo’s Guernsey"], ''[[The Independent]]'', 3 July 2010.</ref> A "Guernsey-man" also makes an appearance in chapter 91 of [[Herman Melville]]'s ''[[Moby-Dick]]''.<ref>[[Herman Melville]], ''[[Moby-Dick]]'' (St Botoph Society edition, 1892) pp. 381–384. [ Excerpts available] at [[Google Books]].</ref>
The annual "[[Muratti]]", the inter-island [[association football|football]] match, is considered the sporting event of the year, although, due to broadcast coverage, it no longer attracts the crowds of spectators, travelling between the islands, that it did during the 20th century.<ref>[]</ref>
[[Cricket]] is popular in the Channel Islands. The [[Jersey cricket team]] and the [[Guernsey cricket team]] are both Associate members of the [[International Cricket Council]]. The teams have played each other in the [[Inter-insular match]] since 1957. In 2001 and 2002, the Channel Islands entered a team into the [[MCCA Knockout Trophy]], the one-day tournament of the [[Minor counties of English and Welsh cricket]].<ref>[ Minor Counties Trophy Matches played by Channel Islands]</ref>
Channel Island sportsmen and women compete in the [[Commonwealth Games]] for their respective islands and the islands have also been enthusiastic supporters of the [[Island Games]]. Shooting is a popular sport, in which islanders have won Commonwealth medals.<ref>[]</ref>
Guernsey's traditional colour for sporting and other purposes is green and Jersey's is red.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Non-FIFA National Teams Colours | |date=28 November 2006 |accessdate=21 August 2010}}</ref>
[[File:Crapaud St Helier Jersey.jpg|thumb|This statue of a [[True toad|''crapaud'']] (toad) in St Helier represents the traditional nickname for Jersey people.]]
The main islanders have traditional animal nicknames:<ref>''Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français'', 1966</ref><ref>[]</ref>
* Guernsey: ''les ânes'' ("[[donkey]]s" in French and Norman): the steepness of St Peter Port streets required beasts of burden, but Guernsey people also claim it is a symbol of their strength of character{{spaced ndash}}which Jersey people traditionally interpret as stubbornness.
* Jersey: ''les crapauds'' ("[[toad]]s" in French and Jèrriais): Jersey has toads and snakes, which Guernsey lacks.
* Sark: ''les corbins'' ("[[crow]]s" in [[Sercquiais]], [[Dgèrnésiais]] and [[Jèrriais]], ''les corbeaux'' in French): crows could be seen from the sea on the island's coast.
* Alderney: ''les lapins'' ("[[rabbit]]s" in French and [[Auregnais]]): the island is noted for its warrens.
Christianity was brought to the islands around the 6th century; according to tradition, Jersey was evangelised by St [[Helier]], Guernsey by St [[Samson of Dol]], and the smaller islands were occupied at various times by monastic communities representing strands of [[Celtic Christianity]]. At the [[Protestant Reformation|Reformation]], the islands turned [[Calvinism|Calvinist]] under the influence of an influx of French-language pamphlets published in [[Geneva]]. [[Anglicanism]] was imposed in the 17th century, but the Non-Conformist tendency re-emerged with a strong adoption of [[Methodism]]. The presence of long-term Catholic communities from France and seasonal workers from Brittany and Normandy added to the mix of denominations.{{Citation needed|date=February 2010}}
== Other islands in the English Channel ==
There are other islands in the English Channel which are not part of the Channel Islands. Among these are the French islands [[Île-de-Bréhat|Bréhat]], [[Île de Batz]], [[Chausey]], [[Tatihou]] and [[Îles Saint-Marcouf]], and the [[Isle of Wight]] which is part of England.
== See also ==
{{Portal|Jersey|United Kingdom}}
* [[Occupation of the Channel Islands|Channel Islands occupation]]
* [[List of Ramsar sites in the Channel Islands]]
== References ==
== External links ==
{{Sister project links|Channel Islands}}
*[ StatesChính ofquyền Alderney]
*[ StatesChính ofquyền Guernsey]
*[ StatesChính ofquyền Jersey]
*[ SeigneurLãnh ofchúa Sark]
*[ FamilyTree DNA Channel Islands Project], [[Y chromosome|Y-Dna]] project for the Channels Islands
==BibliographyThư mục==
*[[Encyclopædia Britannica]] Vol. 5 (1951), Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Chicago – London – Toronto
[[Thể loại:Quần đảo Eo Biển| ]]
[[Thể loại:Quần đảo Anh]]
|list =
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[[ace:Pulo-pulo Channel]]
Hàng 338 ⟶ 150:
[[eu:Anglo-normandiar uharteak]]
[[fa:جزیره‌هایجزیرههای مانش]]
[[fr:Îles Anglo-Normandes]]