This template generates a 2-team tournament bracket. It is designed for the final of any tennis tournament that plays best of 3 sets. The code itself was taken from a subset of Bản mẫu:4TeamBracket-Tennis3.

Cách sử dụng

| RD1=

| score-width=

| RD1-seed01=
| RD1-team01=
| RD1-score01-1=
| RD1-score01-2=
| RD1-score01-3=
| RD1-seed02=
| RD1-team02=
| RD1-score02-1=
| RD1-score02-2=
| RD1-score02-3=


Các tham số bản mẫu

  • RD1 — [OPTIONAL] The names of each respective round. Defaults to "Chung kết"
  • score-width — The total width of all three sets for each match