Tài liệu bản mẫu[xem] [sửa] [lịch sử] [làm mới]

Cách sử dụng


Here is what this template does. Code to the left, actual rendering to the right:

{{px|40}} = 40px
{{px|40px}} = 40px

And with an optional second or even third parameter to be used as a default value if the first or second parameter is empty or undefined:

{{px||50}} = 50px
{{px||50px}} = 50px
{{px|||60}} = 60px
{{px|||60px}} = 60px

And here is how it can be used inside another template:

[[Image:{{{image}}} | {{px|{{{size|}}}}} | {{{caption|}}} ]]
[[Image:{{{image}}} | {{px|{{{size|}}}|250}} | {{{caption|}}} ]]
[[Image:{{{image}}} | {{px| {{{size|}}} | {{{width|}}} | 250 }} | {{{caption|}}} ]]

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