Tài liệu mô đun[tạo]
local p = {}

local data = { -- these data entries will ultimately go in data subpage or series of data subpages
	iucn = { 
		['_template'] = "cite journal", -- use cite journal 
        ['_exclude'] = "amended, url" ,  -- do not pass these to {{cite journal}}
                                        --_alias-map: associate {{IUCN}}-specific parameter names with cs1|2-standard parameter names 
    	['_alias-map'] =  "assessors : authors, vassessors : vauthors, assessor# : last#, assessor#-link : author#-link,assessor-link# : author-link#, assessorlink# : authorlink#, assessor#-mask : author#-mask, assessor-mask# : author-mask#, assessormask# : authormask#, display-assessors : display-authors, displayassessors : displayauthors, last-assessor-amp : last-author-amp, lastassessoramp : lastauthoramp, assessment_year : year, taxon : title, downloaded : access-date"

function getArgs (frame, args)
	local parents = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent()
	for k,v in pairs(parents.args) do
		--check content
		if v and v ~= "" then
			args[k]=v --parents.args[k]
--[[ function p.cite() - function wrapping {{cite journal}}
     takes cite journal parameters but updates old style url using electronic page number
     page should be in format e.T13922A45199653
     the url uses                13922/45199653
     so we need to extract the number between T and A and the number after A
     the target url is https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/13922/45199653
     usage: {{#invoke:iucn|cite}}
     template: {{Template:Cite iucn}}
function p.cite(frame)
	--local parents = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent()

	local templateArgs = {}   
    getArgs (frame, templateArgs)
	--we only want to make changes if there is old-style url, i.e. one containing "/details/"
	local url = templateArgs['url'] or ""
	local old = string.find( url, "details" , 1, true)
	if old then
        local page = templateArgs['page']
     	local speciesID = string.match( page, "T(%d+)A" ) 
	    local speciesAssessment = string.match( page, "A(%d+)" )
	    if speciesID  and speciesAssessment then -- set new style url
    	  templateArgs['url'] = "https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/" .. speciesID .. '/' .. speciesAssessment 
	if templateArgs['amended'] then templateArgs['trans-title']=templateArgs['amended'] end -- use translated title parameter to add amended text, e.g. "amended version of 2016 assessment", which will be added in square brackets after title

	return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'cite journal', args = templateArgs }
	--return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'cite journal', args = parents.args }
-- version using template wrapper for cite journal
function p.cite2(frame)

    -- now use wrapper template
    --[[this doesn't work
    frame.args['_alias-map'] =  "assessors : authors, vassessors : vauthors, assessor# : last#, assessor#-link : author#-link,assessor-link# : author-link#, assessorlink# : authorlink#, assessor#-mask : author#-mask, assessor-mask# : author-mask#, assessormask# : authormask#, display-assessors : display-authors, displayassessors : displayauthors, last-assessor-amp : last-author-amp, lastassessoramp : lastauthoramp, assessment_year : year, taxon : title, downloaded : access-date"
    frame.args['_template'] = "cite journal"
    but the following does ]]
    local wrapperArgs ={}
    wrapperArgs['_template'] = "cite journal"
    --|_exclude=id, version, new, IUCN_Year, iucn_year, criteria-version <!-- do not pass these to {{cite journal}} -->
    wrapperArgs['_exclude'] = "amended, url" -- exclude url (from parent) as we wanted updated version
    --|_alias-map= <!-- associate {{IUCN}}-specific parameter names with cs1|2-standard parameter names -->
    wrapperArgs['_alias-map'] =  "assessors : authors, vassessors : vauthors, assessor# : last#, assessor#-link : author#-link,assessor-link# : author-link#, assessorlink# : authorlink#, assessor#-mask : author#-mask, assessor-mask# : author-mask#, assessormask# : authormask#, display-assessors : display-authors, displayassessors : displayauthors, last-assessor-amp : last-author-amp, lastassessoramp : lastauthoramp, assessment_year : year, taxon : title, downloaded : access-date"

	local templateArgs = {}   -- need a copy to alter and pass to citation template
    getArgs (frame, templateArgs)
	--we only want to make changes if there is old-style url, i.e. one containing "/details/"
	local url = templateArgs['url'] or ""
	local replace = string.find( url, "details" , 1, true)    -- replace url if contains "details"
	if url == "" and templateArgs['page'] then replace = true end -- if no url and page number available,

	if replace  then
        local page = templateArgs['page'] or ""
     	local speciesID = string.match( page, "T(%d+)A" ) 
	    local speciesAssessment = string.match( page, "A(%d+)" )
	    if speciesID  and speciesAssessment then -- set new style url
    	   wrapperArgs['url'] = "https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/" .. speciesID .. '/' .. speciesAssessment 
	if url == "" and templateArgs['id'] then -- use oldstyle url
		 wrapperArgs['url'] = "http://oldredlist.iucnredlist.org/details/" .. templateArgs['id'] 
		 wrapperArgs['journal'] = '[[IUCN Red List of Threatened Species]]'
		 wrapperArgs['volume'] = 'Version ' .. templateArgs['version']
	if templateArgs['amended'] then wrapperArgs['trans-title']=templateArgs['amended'] end -- use translated title parameter to add amended text, e.g. "amended version of 2016 assessment", which will be added in square brackets after title
    --wrapperArgs['trans-title'] = templateArgs['trans-title']

    frame.args=wrapperArgs --set the wrapper arguments 
    local wrapper = require("Module:Template wrapper/sandbox")
    --local xframe = frame --mw.clone(frame)  --mw.getCurrentFrame()
    --frame.args.metatable['_template'] = "cite journal"
	--local parents = xframe:getParent() --mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent()
    --parents.args['_template'] = "cite journal"

   --return  mw.dumpObject(wrapperArgs)
   return wrapper.wrap(frame)

--[[ function to replace iucn templates
     test template: Template:IUCN/sandbox/lua
     usage: {{#invoke:iucn|main}}
function p.main(frame)
	local templateArgs = {}   -- need a copy to alter and pass to citation template
    getArgs (frame, templateArgs)
--	local parents = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent()
	local reference = ""
	local taxon =templateArgs['taxon']
	reference = '{{cite journal |title=' .. taxon 
	local maxAssessors = 20
	local assessorNumber =0
	-- if 'assessor' instead of 'assessor1'
	if templateArgs['assessor'] then templateArgs['assessor1'] = templateArgs['assessor'] end 
	if templateArgs['assessor-link'] then templateArgs['assessor-link1'] = templateArgs['assessor-link'] end 
	while 	assessorNumber < maxAssessors do -- use the last number determined in the preprocessing

		assessorNumber  = assessorNumber  + 1 -- so we start with 1
		local assessorName = templateArgs['assessor'..tostring(assessorNumber)] or ""
		if assessorName ~= "" then
			reference = 	reference .. ' |author' .. assessorNumber .. '=' .. assessorName
		local assessorLink = templateArgs['assessor-link'..tostring(assessorNumber)]
		                    or templateArgs['assessor'..tostring(assessorNumber)..'link'] 
		                    or templateArgs['assessorlink'..tostring(assessorNumber)]or ""
		if assessorLink ~= "" then
			reference = 	reference .. ' |authorlink' .. assessorNumber .. '=' .. assessorLink

    local year = templateArgs['year']
    local id = templateArgs['id']
    local assessment = templateArgs['assessment'] or ""
    local version =	templateArgs['version']
    local doi =	templateArgs['doi'] or ""
    local accessdate =	templateArgs['accessdate'] or ""
    reference = 	reference .. ' |year='.. year
    reference = 	reference .. " |version=''Version "..  version .. "''"
    reference = 	reference .. ' |journal=[[The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species]]'
    reference = 	reference .. ' |accessdate='.. accessdate
    reference = 	reference .. ' |doi='.. doi

    if assessment ~= "" then 
       reference = 	reference .. '|url=https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/'.. id .. '/' .. assessment
    else  	-- if there is no assessment number, use oldredlist.iucnredlist.org version
    	    -- an alternative might be to use archive.org in case this cite is dropped
       reference = 	reference .. '|url=http://oldredlist.iucnredlist.org/details/'.. id .. '/0' 
    reference = 	reference .. ' |publisher=[[International Union for Conservation of Nature]]}}'
    return frame:preprocess(reference)
    --return reference

return p