5.2 (p. 118)


Số kí gạo một người lao động Sài Gòn mua được bằng tiền lương một ngày:

Real wages of Saigon workers, 1956-74
Rice wage[1] Overall real wage[2]
Year Unskilled Skilled Unskilled Skilled
1956 8.4 14.8 52.4 92.2
1957 11.5 17.9 63.7 99.5
1958 13.4 18.8 80.2 112.5
1959 13.3 19.2 75.0 108.2
1960 14.5 20.5 79.3 112.4
1961 10.8 15.1 76.0 105.9
1962 11.5 16.3 74.7 106.1
1963 11.9 17.0 71.5 102.5
1964 10.4 14.9 72.5 103.6
1965 10.2 14.4 70.2 98.6
1966 9.9 14.2 63.6 91.4
1967 7.7 11.6 69.5 105.0
1968 12.3 13.2 67.1 97.9
1969 9.9 11.4 67.3 97.1
1970 10.4 11.1 65.7 93.5
1971 10.8 13.2 68.9 103.0
1972 9.0 9.7 69.5 92.7
1973 7.5 8.1 67.2 81.4
1974[3] 6.1 7.6 50.1 72.0

A 5.1 (p. 119)


Giá cả vật chất bằng đồng

Selected wholesale prices, 1956-74 (annual average)
Price indexes (1962=100)
Year Rice (d/kg) Fish (d/kg) Pigs (d/kg) Rice Fish Pigs Imported goods

Tập tin:Dacy A5.1.jpg

A5.2 (p. 120)


Tiền lương mỗi ngày của người dân thành thị (bằng đồng)

Table A5.2 Vietnam urban workers' average daily wage, 1956-74 (piasters)
Year Skilled male worker Male laborer Female laborer

Tập tin:Dacy A5.2.jpg

9.5 (p. 190)

International value of the piaster and other series, 1955-1974 (piasters per dollar)[4]
Year (1) Official rate[5] (2) Black market rate[6] (3) Market clearing rate[7] (4) NDP data rate[7] (5) International value of pisaster[8]
1955 35
1956 35
1957 35 88
1958 35 81
1959 35 82
1960 35 91
1961 35 99
1962 60 97 78 78 78
1963 60 97 78 78 78
1964 60 131 81 81 81
1965 60 146 94 90 94
1966 104[9] 180 145 121 145
1967 108 164 189 169 189
1968 118 189 201 183 201
1969 118 229 242 228 229
1970 118 393 414 288 325
1971 118 388 392 439
1972 356[10]
439 392 439
1973 494 531 531
1974 633 641 [12] 641

10.2 (p. 200)

Table 10.2 U.S. Economic and military assistance to South Vietnam by fiscal year, 1955-75 (million dollars)
Fiscal year AID[13] PL 480 Piaster subsidy Total economic aid Military assistance Total assistance
1955 320.2 2.2 322.4 322.4
1956 195.7 14.3 210.0 176.5 386.5
1957 259.4 22.8 282.2 119.8 402.0
1958 179.4 9.6 189.0 79.3 268.3
1959 200.9 6.5 207.4 52.4 259.8
1960 170.6 11.3 181.8 72.7 254.5
1961 140.5 11.5 152.0 71.0 223.0
1962 124.1 31.9 156.0 237.2 393.2
1963 143.3 52.6 195.9 275.9 471.8
1964 165.7 59.1 5.8 230.6 190.9 421.5
1965 225.0 49.9 15.4 290.3 318.6 608.9
1966 593.5 143.0 57.4 793.9 686.2 1,480.1
1967 494.4 73.7 98.5 666.6 662.5 1,329.1
1968 398.2 138.5 114.4 651.1 1,243.4 1,894.5
1969 314.2 99.4 146.9 560.5 1,534.0 2,094.5
1970 365.9 110.8 178.7 655.4 1,577.3 2,232.7
1971 387.7 188.0 202.3 778.0 1,945.6 2,723.6
1972 386.8 67.8 133.1 587.7 2,602.6 3,190.3
1973 313.3 188.3 29.5 531.2 3,349.4 3,880.6
1974 384.3 269.9 3.2 657.4 941.9 1,599.3
1975 191.3 49.6 240.9 625.1 866.0
Total 5,954.4 1,600.7 985.2 8,540.3 16,762.3 25,302.6

10.3 (pp. 202-3)

Table 10.3. Calculation of net resources transferred to South Vietnam, 1955-74
Year (1) Merchandise imports [M] ($ million)[14] (2) Merchandise export [X] ($ million)[14] (3) Export of services [(r*/r)DPP] ($ million)[15] (4) U.S. uses of PL 480 (d billion)[16] (5) U.S. uses trust fund (d billion)[17] (6) Value of piaster (d/$)[18] (7) Total U.S. uses [E(d)/r] ($ million)[19] (8) Net resources transferred ($ million)[20]
1955 263.2 69.2 0.1 n.e. 1.4[21] 192.6
1956 217.6 45.1 n.e. 172.5
1957 288.7 80.5 0.1 n.e. 1.4[21] 206.8
1958 232.1 55.2 n.e. 176.9
1959 224.6 75.1 0.1 n.e. 1.4[21] 148.1
1960 240.3 85.5 n.e. 154.8
1961 272.6 71.7 0.2 n.e. 2.6 198.3
1962 268.7 48.7 0.1 0.1 78 2.6 217.4
1963 307.3 83.3 0.2 0.1 78 3.8 220.2
1964 325.5 48.8 30.7 0.4 0.1 81 6.2 239.8
1965 370.5 40.5 54.8 0.4 0.9 94 13.9 261.3
1966 656.6 25.2 137.5 0.5 1.6 146 14.4 479.5
1967 753.7 37.7 101.4 8.1 4.0 189 63.9 550.7
1968 668.7 41.5 183.4 3.7 4.0 201 38.3 405.5
1969 853.2 33.0 180.3 2.0 4.8 229 29.7 610.2
1970 778.8 12.7 127.3 3.0 4.7 318 24.2 614.6
1971 802.7 14.7 189.5 6.6 4.9 388 29.6 568.8
1972 742.9 23.8 176.3 8.9 2.5 439 26.0 516.8
1973 717.0 60.6 121.5 n.a. n.a. 20.0[22] 514.9
1974 887.0 75.0 92.2 n.a. n.a. 20.0[22] 699.8

The data on merchandise imports and exports are not from consistent series. For the period 1961-72, the data are from balance-of-payments tabulations. In the earlier period, 1955-60, the data are customs reporting of import arrivals and exports. For most of the years prior to 1965 for which balance-of-payments data are available, there are only minor differences in the annual figures. After 1964, the differences are substantial in some years. Because balance-of-payments data presumably account for some noncommercial imports, the data are a better accounting of total imports. However, before 1961, noncommercial imports were relatively insignificant.

11.1 (p. 213)


Government expenditures, 1956-1974.

Table 11.1 Government expenditures, 1956-74[23] (billion piasters)
National budget expenditures[24]
Year Defense Civil Total Other[25] Total expenditures
1956 8.5 5.1 13.6 13.6
1957 8.0 6.2 14.2 14.2
1958 7.3 6.5 13.8 13.8
1959 7.4 7.9 15.3 15.3
1960 7.0 8.2 15.2 15.2
1961 8.3 8.0 16.3 16.3
1962 12.0 10.0 22.0 22.0
1963 13.6 12.3 25.9 25.9
1964 14.2 14.4 28.6 28.6
1965 21.9 22.2 44.1 -1.3 42.8
1966 29.5 29.5 59.0 2.4 61.4
1967 55.3 46.2 97.5 -1.4 96.1
1968 74.6 46.6 121.2 8.4 129.6
1969 91.7 41.7 133.4 14.3 147.7
1970 122.0 65.0 187.0 19.0 208.0
1971 151.0 105.0 256.0 16.3 272.3
1972 205.0 161.0 366.0 -19.2 346.8
1973 283.0 232.0 515.0 n.a. 515.0
1974 346.0 374.0 720.0 n.a. 720.0

11.2 (p. 215)


Tập tin:Dacy 11.2.jpg


  1. ^ Kilograms of rice purchased by a day's labor.
  2. ^ Daily wages in piasters deflated by consumer index for working-class families in Saigon (1962 = 100).
  3. ^ June 1974
  4. ^ All figures are annual averages
  5. ^ 1955-65, International Monetary Fund (monthly, various issues); 1966-73, AID (1974b; p. 26); 1974, AID-VN (monthly, Feb. 1975, p.3).
  6. ^ 1957-65, AID-VN (annual, no. 9, p. 43); 1966-72, VN-NIS (annual, 1972, Table 199);1973, AID (1974b, p. 9, "U.S. 10 Green"); 1974, AID-VN (monthly, Feb. 1975, p. 3, "U.S. 10 Green").
  7. ^ a b Table 9.4
  8. ^ See text
  9. ^ Three months at d60/$, and nine months at d118/$
  10. ^ Full-year average. First three months at d118/$.
  11. ^ Average for last 9 months
  12. ^ This rate is d5/$ less than the black market rate based on $100 transactions. Other data in this table pertain to black market rates based on $10 transactions, which, on average, brought d5/$ less than the larger transactions.
  13. ^ Prior to 1962, U.S. economic aid was administered by the International Cooperation Administration (ICA). Data for AID (and ICA prior to 1962), PL 480, and military assistance are the revised figures as of May 1976. They were supplied to the author by the Statistical Reports Division, Office of Financial Management, U.S. Agency for International Development. Data for piaster subsidy are linear interpolation of figures in column (7) of Table 10.1, converting calendar-year data into appropriate fiscal years
  14. ^ a b 1955-60 VN-NIS (annual, 1964-5, Table 253). Data from this source were converted to dollar values using the exchange rate 35/1. The derived figures are consistent with trade data fro 1957-60 published in AID-VN (annual, no. 9, Tables D3 and D12); for the 1961-72 period, AID-VN (annual, no. 12, Table II); for 1973-4, AID-VN (monthly, Feb. 1975, pp. 6-7). Imports are the "earnings" rather than "payments."
  15. ^ Column 6, Table 10.1.
  16. ^ 1962-72, AID-VN (annual, no 16, Table IV(; 1955-61, AID-VN (annual, no. 9, Table H-5).
  17. ^ 1962-72, AID-VN (annual, no 16, Table IV(; 1955-61, AID-VN (annual, no. 9, Table H-8).
  18. ^ Table 9.5.
  19. ^ [column (4) + column (5)]/column (6)
  20. ^ Column (1) - column (2) - column (3) - column (7).
  21. ^ a b c Converted from piasters to dollars at the rate of 70 to 1
  22. ^ a b These are the author's guesses
  23. ^ Data sources: National budget expenditure data: 1956-60, VN-NIS (annual, 241); 1961-4, AID-VN (annual, no. 11, Table C-11); 1965-74, AID (1976, pt. A). Other data from VN-NBVN (annual, various issues).
  24. ^ The data for the period 1956-60 are on a fiscal-year basis. The Vietnamese fiscal year was the calendar year, excluding some expenditures the first five months but including some expenditures of the following calendar year. For the years in question, the difference in accounting periods is probably insignificant.
  25. ^ Data in this column are net expenditures due to the budget of Saigon port, the budget of Saigon and other municipalities, provincial budgets, and rural construction budgets.
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