Draft:Werewolf Online


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Defend your village from the forces of evil or become a werewolf and hunt your friends!

Join the mystery game, fight for your team and find the liars among your ranks.

Werewolf Online is a multiplayer game for up to 16 players. Each game has different teams such as villagers or werewolves all fighting to be the last team standing. Use special abilities to uncover the roles of other players and convince your fellow players to work with you.


● Play online with your friends!

● Join games with players from all around the globe!

● Create and customize your own avatar!

● Send roses to your beloved ones!

● Join ranked games for serious competition!

● Unlock unique and limited items and shine in the game!

● Discover a thriving Discord community with special events, extra loot and more!

the ultimate game of lies and deception

Got any problems or suggestions? Talk to us on Discord at discord.gg/wwo . We love your feedback!

How to play


How to win

The winning condition depends on the role you got. While some roles only win alone others belong to a team.



Eliminate all werewolves and killers.



Eliminate all villagers and other killer.



Be the last player alive!

Voting roles:


Trick the alive players to vote you or your target.

Zombie and sect team:


To win as zombie or sect leader you have to convert all alive villagers to your team and eliminate all werewolves. If the sect leader dies all sect members will die as well.

Lovers couple


When you are part of the lovers couple, you have to survive until the end with your lover to win. If you are both on the same team you can also win with your original team.

Game phases


Every game has 3 phases which will repeat until the game is over.



At night the werewolves or serial killer should choose a player to kill. Powerful villagers can also use their abilities like protecting players or even uncover a players role.



The night just ended. It's time to discuss the most recent happenings and share new information



You are a villager and found a werewolf? Vote them!

You are a werewolf or a killer? Survive!

You have a voting role like fool or headhunter? This is your chance!


Before a game starts you are in the game lobby, but there is no need to get bored! Check the participating roles and their abilities in the role menu.

Game Staff


The Developers


Developers are working to develop and update the game. Add new items and modify the game and they created the game!

● Philipp Eichhorn


philipp is the owner and developer of the game.He is a student at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany. He was born in 1991 in Germany.

● Emanuel Eimer


Emanuel is a student at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, who has met with Phillip at the university and worked with him on creating and developing the game. He was born in 1987 in Germany.

The Moderators


They handle more discord related things, making sure it stays clean. They handle a lot around the staff team. If you have any questions about a certain staff, you can ask a moderator. Same goes if someone is misbehaving according to you. They also do Helper and Mini Mod work.

The Supporters


Those who work and help the developers behind the curtains.

The Mini-Mods


The people have passed the Trial Mini Mod phase have showed that they are great helpers and have proven they are worth the extra responsibility. They still do all the work Helpers do but have gained the ability to warn or mute people that have been misbehaving.

The Helpers


Helpers keep channels clean and make sure everyone"s nice to each other in werewolf online discord. They check if everything"s alright and if anyone has questions you try to answer them. If anyone misbehaves and doesn't listen to you make sure to ping a higher ranked person that is online (Mini-Mods or Moderator). Helpers should also try to keep track of #feedback and #bugs channels in discord , if there is any suggestion about the game that isn't already suggested or there is a bug that isn't known make sure to put it in #feedback-devs or #bugs-devs channel in discord. If there is an upcoming tournament or event a higher ranked person will ask some helpers to help them with keeping track of everything, if you think you have time in the time where the event is please ask in discord if you can help!

Social Media Managers


These work and manage the social networking sites of the game Such as (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram)

The Guardians


These people look at reports from people and ban them in game if needed. They make sure the game is cleared from people that break rules reported by you! If more guardians are needed it will be decided by the Guardian Manager.

The Mentors


These people help answering questions in the game! This is on a different platform than discord. New mentors will be picked by the Mentor manager.

The Translators


Translator Managers


This person gives out the translator roles and manages everything around translations! They have full access to POeditor, the program website we use to translate everything. This position is full.

Translator Helper


Translator Helpers are people, each of their own language, that help the Translator Manager with thing that revolve around translations such as; answering questions if there is spot open for a certain language, find the correct evaluator for that language if there is a spot open.



The people that help translate the game to their own language. Depending on activity of people, we look for 3 to 6 translators per language. We have werewolf online Translators who translate werewolf online. We also have FAQ Translators that translate the FAQ in werewolf online. To become one, check werewolf online discord (discord.gg/wwo).

The designers


Designers create avatar items that potentially go into the game. To obtain this role, you must have 3 ideas that go into vote channel in discord and reach at least 50 upvotes on a ratio of 3/1.

Roles in Game


The roles in the game are divided into 5 teams The village team, the werewolf team, the killing team ,voting and solo roles and Zombies and Sect team.

Village Team


The village team consists of 25 roles.

Each role has a special task different from the other.

You win with the village team if the team of the assassins and the killing team are killed

Aura Seer

Each night you can select a player to uncover his alignment: Good, Evil, or Unknown. Evil players belong to the werewolves and good players belong to the villagers team.

Unknown targets can be: Serial Killer, Arsonist, Bomber, Zombie , headhunter, Beast hunter ,Witch , Medium ,Marksman, Corruptor, Cannibal, Accomplice, Sect leader, Gunner, Fool, Jailer, Alpha werewolf, Illusionist, Bandit, Forger, Fortune teller or Random voting.

Each night you can select a player to uncover his role.



You are a regular villager without any special abilities.



Choose one player to protect every night. That player cannot be killed that night.



During the night you can talk anusly with the dead. Once during the game you can revivayer to kill when you die.



Once during the game you can reveal your role which will make your vote count double during the rest of the game.

Beast hunter


At night you can place a trap on a player which will become active the following night. This player cannot be killed at night. If the player is attacked by werewolves, the weakest werewolf will die.

Grumpy grandma


After the first night you can select a player which cannot talk or vote during the next day.



You can select one player to kill when you die.



You have two potions: One will kill and the other will protect a player. The protect potion is only consumed if the player was attacked. You cannot kill in the first night.



You have two bullets which you can use to kill somebody. The shots are very loud so that your role will be revealed after the first shot. If you shoot an innocent member of the village you will lose your second bullet.



Select a target each day to put in jail during the next night. At night you can talk privately with your target and your target cannot act. If you find your target suspicious, you can kill him.



During the first night you can select two players to be a love couple. You win if the village wins or if the lovers are the last survivors.



You can choose one player to protect every night. That player cannot be killed that night and instead you will be attacked. Because you are strong you survive the first attack, but you will die on the second attack. Every night you automatically protect yourself.



You can throw holy water on another player. If that player is a werewolf, he dies. If he is not a werewolf, you die.



You are the president! Everyone knows who you are! If you die, the village loses.



You are a villager until the werewolves try to kill you, at which point you become a werewolf. You cannot be converted into another team by sect leader etc.

Seer apprentice


You are a normal villager until the seer dies, at which point you become the new seer.

Tough guy


You can choose one player to protect every night. If you or that player is attacked, neither dies and instead you and the attacker will both see each others' roles. Because of your injuries, you will die at the end of the following day.



Each night you can select two players to uncover if they are in the same team.



Once per game you can reveal the role of a player to everybody and prevent anybody from voting during that day.



At night you can mark a player as your target. After the next day, you can kill or change your target. If you try to kill a villager, your shot will backfire and kill you. You have two bullets.



At night you can select someone to watch. If that player dies during the night, you will uncover two possible suspects who might have killed that player.

Spirit seer


Each night you can select two players. At the beginning of the next day you will be informed if either of those two players has killed last night.

Red lady


At night you can visit another player. If you are attacked that night, you will not be killed. However, if you visit a player that is evil or is attacked, you will die!

Werewolf Team


The werewolf Team consists of 8 roles.

Each role has a special advantage that differs from the other.

If the number of the population is greater than the villagers after kill the killing team!



Choose one player to kill every night.

Alpha werewolf


You are a regular werewolf, except your vote counts double.

Junior werewolf


You are a junior werewolf. Because you are so cute, you can select another player to be killed when you are killed.

Wolf shaman


During the day you can enchant another player. For seers this player will appear to be a wolf shaman at the next night. If you are the last werewolf, you cannot enchant anybody.

Nightmare werewolf


Twice during the game you can select a player during the day to "fall asleep" for one night. That player won't be able to use any abilities for one night.

Werewolf seer


Each night you can select a player to uncover his role. If you are the last werewolf or you resign your ability, you become a regular werewolf.

Werewolf berserk


Once per game, you can announce a werewolves "frenzy" during the day. If during the night your selected victim is being protected, all protectors of your victim will die.



Each night you can select a player to uncover his role. You cannot vote or talk with the werewolves at night.

The Killing Team


The killing team consists of 4 roles.

Each role has a different way of killing the other.

You only win if you are the last player alive!

and you cant be killed by the werewolves at night!!

Serial Killer


Each night you can kill one player. You cannot be killed by the werewolves.



At night you can place a bomb which will explode during the following night. You cannot be killed by the werewolves.



Each night you can select one player to "glitch". That player won't be able to speak or vote the following day and will die at the end of the day. The role of that player will not be revealed when dying. You cannot be killed by the werewolves.



Every night you can either select two players to douse with gasoline, or ignite all doused players which kills them. You cannot be killed by the werewolves.

Zombie and sect Team


The killing team consists of 2 roles.

To win as zombie or sect leader you have convert all alive villagers to your team and eliminate all werewolves. As Sect leader you can't be killed or your whole team dies.



Every night you can bite a player which will turn that player into a zombie at the end of the next night. Bitten players will remain in their team for one day before converting. All zombies can select different targets. Only players from the village team can be converted. You win if all players have been converted.

Sect Leader


Every night you can convert a player to join your sect. Together you win if you are the last players alive. All sect members will commit suicide if the sect leader dies. Only players from the village team can be converted.

Voting and solo roles


The Voting roles consists of 3 roles.

Each role has a different way of winning than the other.

Your goal is to get lynched by the village. You win if they lynch you.



Your goal is to get your target lynched by the village during the day. If your target dies another way, you become a regular villager.



When you are part of the couple, you have to survive till the end with your lover to win as couple. You can win with your original team if you both on this team.

You win if you and your lover are the last players alive!

Roles Out of the basic playing system


Random regular villager


one of: Villager, Doctor, Bodyguard, Tough guy, Red lady, Priest, Marksman, Aura seer, Spirit seer, Seer apprentice, Mayor, Witch, Avenger, Beast hunter, Pacifist, Grumpy grandma.

Random strong villager


one of: Seer, Medium, Gunner, Jailer, Detective.

Random werewolf


one random werewolf.



one random role.

Game Modes


The game has 4 modes.

Quick game


This is the default game mode with over 10 languages. Click on the flag on the top right corner to change it. The available roles will change every Wednesday!

Ranked games


If you have enough wins, you can play ranked games. This is the game mode for serious players. Breaking the rules or suicide will be punished harder. Rise your skill level to climb the high score and play together with better players (if there are enough players online, all ranked players will be split by their skill level automatically). Talismans and viewing the stats of other players are disabled in this game mode!

Custom games


Choose the roles and even some settings of the next round. More variation for maximizing the fun!

Sandbox mode


Sandbox is where we test and try out new roles before they become available in other game modes.

Special Items in game


There are items in the game can not be bought with gold or real money!

Country Glasses


Country glasses: These are very limited items for our translators. If the game is not translated into your language, we would love to get your help!

Discord items


Discord shirt


to get this shirt you need to join WWO discord. (discord.gg/wwo)!

Tester hat


to get this shirt you need to join WWO discord. (discord.gg/wwo)!

Battle pass items


first you need to unblock the battle pass with some gold or real money, and to get the items you need to play and collect xp for every item!



Badges are a great feature that proves either you are staff in game or you are epic person.

Moderator Badge


This badge only available for game and discord moderators.(you can apply to be mod from WWO discord discord.gg/wwo)

Guardian Badge


Guardians badge only available for the Guardians! (you can apply to be guardian from WWO discord discord.gg/wwo).

Epic Guardian badge

This badge for epic guardians! "Epic guardians have helped the community for a long time by guarding against abusive players."

Guardian badge

this badge for normal guardians in game!

Mentor Badge


This badge for mentors in game! "Mentors answer questions and help players via the help chat."

Translator Badge


This badge for the translators in game !"you can be translator in game from wwo discord discord.gg/wwo"

Epic Translator badge

You can get this badge after hug helping to translate the game !

Translator badge
You can get this badge after some helping in translate the game!

Bug hunter Badge


Epic bug hunter badge


Bug hunter badge


You can get this badge only from WWOTC(werewolf online testers club) (click here)

Designer Badge


Do you feel artist? just make good outfit and send it in discord or via wwo this link and u will get ur design and this badge!

Epic designer badge


This badge for the epic designers who made a lot of outfits!

Designer badge


this badge for who has 1 outfit in game !

Wiki Badge


This badge for who contributed to the Werewolf Online wiki.

Youtuber Badge


This badge for the YouTubers who has created a video about Werewolf Online with a lot of views.

Music in game


A big shout out and thanks to Peter Cleaver for Ecomposing the music for Werewolf Online! You have done a fantastic job and we absolutely love the way it fits with the theme :) Peter is a songwriter and producer, if you want to get in touch with him checkout his homepage! http://www.petercleavermusic.co.uk/

Thanks to Crushium for making the solo and lovers winner music! It sounds awesome. More of his work on Youtube: https://bit.ly/2w4C450

Sound effects


Gold sound by Jesús Lastra https://opengameart.org/content/coins-sounds

Wolf howl by Ganscaile https://freesound.org/people/Ganscaile/sounds/76256/

Rooster by dobroide https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/sounds/39923/

Church bell by Ulrich Metzner https://opengameart.org/content/church-bell

Gun cock by woodmoose https://freesound.org/people/woodmoose/sounds/177054/

Gun shot by TheNikonProductions https://freesound.org/people/TheNikonProductions/sounds/337699/

Jail bars by Punhio https://freesound.org/people/Puniho/sounds/116679/

Paper tear by InspectorJ https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/sounds/415766/

New music jailer and being detained by BoyHanQuoc https://soundcloud.com/m-nh-kha-b-i-335114689/music-of-jailer

Ranked game 1700 + elo


Village Team



Each night you can select two players to uncover if they are in the same team.



You have two bullets which you can use to kill somebody. The shots are very loud so that your role will be revealed after the first shot. If you shoot an innocent member of the village you will lose your second bullet.

Aura Seer

Each night you can select a player to uncover his alignment: Good, Evil, or Unknown. Evil players belong to the werewolves and good players belong to the villagers team.

Unknown targets can be: Serial Killer ,Arsonist ,Bomber ,zombie , headhunter ,beast hunter ,Witch , Medium ,Marksman or corruptor.



During the night you can talk anusly with the dead. Once during the game you can revivayer to kill when you die.



Choose one player to protect every nayer cannot be killed that night.



Select a target each day to put in jail during the next night. At night you can talk privately with your target and your target cannot act. If you find your target suspicious, you can kill him.



You can throw holy water on another player. If that player is a werewolf, he dies. If he is not a werewolf, you die.

The villager random

Aura Seer, Villager, Doctor, Mayor, Beast hunter, Grumpy grandma, Avenger, Witch, Bodyguard, Priest, Seer apprentice, Tough guy, Pacifist

Werewolf Team

Werewolf seer

Each night you can select a player to uncover his role. If you are the last werewolf or you resign your ability, you become a regular werewolf.

Wolf shaman

During the day you can enchant another player. For seers this player will appear to be a wolf shaman at the next night. If you are the last werewolf, you cannot enchant anybody.

Junior werewolf

You are a junior werewolf. Because you are so cute, you can select another player to be killed when you are killed.

The werewolf random

Werewolf, Alphawerewolf, Junior werewolf, Werewolf seer, Wolf shaman

The Killing Team

The killing team consists of 2 roles in ranked mode.

Each role has a different way of killing the other.

You only win if you are the last player alive!

and you cant be killed by the werewolves at night.

Serial Killer


Each night you can kill one player. You cannot be killed by the werewolves.



Every night you can either select two players to douse with gasoline, or ignite all doused players which kills them. You cannot be killed by the werewolves.

Voting and solo roles

The Voting roles consists of 2 roles in ranked mode.

Each role has a different way of winning than the other.

Your goal is to get lynched by the village. You win if they lynch you.



Your goal is to get your target lynched by the village during the day. If your target dies another way, you become a regular villager.