Vietnamese Name: Lê Thiện Tiến, Aka: Lê Tiến. Chinese Name : 黎 善 進 (Pinyin : lí shàn jìn - Li2 Shan4 Jin4). Simplified Chinese: 黎 善 進 - Traditional Chinese: 黎 善 进. Also Known As : Li Jin, Le Tien. Date of Birth : 19 March 1989 (Sunday 8h00 AM). Place of Birth : Hoa Thang - Phu Hoa - Phu Yen - Viet Nam. Constellation: Height : 1.70m Weight : 56kg Marital status: Single Nation: The Kinh Person Religion: Good news. Languages : English, A little Chinese. Family Members : Father, Mother, Sister, Brother and Younger brother. Hobbies : HK Films, Listen to Music, Martial Arts, Reading, Online... Favourite Country : China, Hong Kong, Singapore, USA...

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