Thành viên:Lệ Xuân/Annam Digital Library

Annam Digital Library (An-Nam Điện-số Thư-quán) hay Annam Museum (An-Nam Bác-vật quán) là trang lưu-trữ các kiến-thức "uyên-bác" liên quan tới An-Nam-quốc và các nước lân-bang từng được thêm vào Wikipedia mà tôi từng chạm-trán:

Kỹ năng đạt 9.0 IELTS phần writing

Khi vịt ị ra vàng ở Giao Chỉ

…Gold was the original of happiness and bitterness in Annam about X-XIV centuries. When it was plentiful, so Annam became the largest slave market of Indochinese peninsula ; but when it becoming exhausted, the country retrograded quickly and was destroyed by Ming dynasty. Liam Kelley told about Vermont' sheeps to describe that situation. Gold made Annamese kings to pay Song dynasty expensivest tributes. By Trần Quang Đức's research, Song dynasty's officers usually complained the court that, many "unconscionable" brokers in Liangguang tricked Chinese ones to sell as slaves. Those "slaves" must toiled at Annamese gold-mines, even they was killed for the worship gods. Chinese mandarins also said, ducks at South border swam into Annam to look food, their dung had gold. Gold made Annamese people to sew it into clothes, emperor Lý Cao Tông had to forbid in 1182. However, in comparison with Sinophere's countries (even China), all of Annamese palaces, pagodas, houses, costumes... were at the most luxurious. By classical annals of Annam, king Lê Hoàn had asked to built his palace with gold-inlaid tiles and columns in 984…



Nguyễn Xý

Emperor of Lê dynasty
Grand Prince of Đại Việt

…In 1527, the Yuwen clan in Hà Giang and Hưng Hóa (now southern Yunnan) which had Xianbei origin rebelled against Mạc Đăng Dung and set up their own government.

Năm 1683, Thi Lang huy động hạm đội gồm 236 chiến hạm lớn nhỏ đánh họ Trịnh. Trong tình thế "nhất phát thiên quân", Trịnh Khắc Sảng tung toàn bộ 120 thiết giáp hạm (battleship) đánh chặn Thi Lang ở Bành Hồ.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ “Battle of Penghu”. Wikipedia (bằng tiếng Anh). 10 tháng 12 năm 2020. Truy cập ngày 9 tháng 9 năm 2021.