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Dòng 571:
* Halló! "''Just use <nowiki>[[zh:]]</nowiki>. The old tags <nowiki>[[zh-cn:]]</nowiki> and/or <nowiki>[[zh-tw:]]</nowiki> are defunct.''"
* You do not need to make changes as [http://vi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Trang_%C4%91%E1%BB%8Bnh_ngh%C4%A9a&diff=next&oldid=8537 Category:Trang định nghĩa] in the future. Best regards [[User:Gangleri|Gangleri]] | [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:User talk:Gangleri|action=history}} Th] | [[{{ns:User_talk}}:Gangleri|T]] 09:30, 13 tháng 3 2005 (UTC)
I'm confused. So should we translate the content of this page:[[Wikipedia:Nguy%C3%AAn_v%C4%83n_Gi%E1%BA%A5y_Ph%C3%A9p_S%E1%BB%AD_D%E1%BB%A5ng_V%C4%83n_B%E1%BA%A3n_T%E1%BB%B1_Do_GNU]] to Vietnamese? Let me know your decision. Thanks [[User:Lã Việt|Lã Việt]]